From Fri Jul 27 16:14:07 2001 Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 15:49:35 -0600 (MDT) From: Frazer Owen To: aips2-naug@zia.aoc.NRAO.EDU Subject: NAUG summary 7-25-01 Summary of NAUG meeting 7-25-01 Relatively little was reported on new testing of the package. Greg Taylor is continues to work on polarization imaging for an extended source. Mark Claussen has started getting into the spectral line package. John Benson continues to improve his documentation page. The major difficulty to the group being satisfied with basic continuum processing remains the uv editing. With the end of a development cycle approaching, the NAUG needs to focus on this issue. Over the next month we hope members of the group can focus on the details of MSPLOT and at the next meeting we will make this a prime topic. Athol suggested it would be very useful for members to exercise the this task more between now and then. The new auto-flagging task is also of interest, although we do not think it will replace MSPLOT. A demonstration session of auto-flagging should for the NAUG should be scheduled sometime well before the next monthly meeting. George reported that a new version of "Getting Results" for VLA processing would be updated within the nest week and comments would be useful. Walter Brisken attended the meeting and, after the meeting, expressed interest in taking part in the NAUG efforts. ---Frazer