NRAO AIPS++ Users Group (NAUG) Data Archive

Steven T. Myers

NRAO, Socorro

Last update: 23 Oct 2007

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  Test Data Available:

  1. NGC5921 dataset for CASA Camp (16Oct07):

    data archive directory
    NGC5921.fits UVFITS (35.1MB)

  2. Planetary VLA continuum dataset for CASA Camp (16Oct07):

    data archive directory
    planets_6cm.fits UVFITS (129MB)
    processed MS tarball gzip tar (175MB)

  3. Debra Shepherd's Orion Mosaic (version 31Oct00): raw (ms,104MB) calibrated (ms,184MB) best image (gzip ps,45KB)

  4. F16156554.UVF.gz (gzipped UVFITS, 204KB)

    30-second VLA snapshot taken at X-band in A-config of the quad lens CLASS B1608+656, 25MHz bandwidth. (Courtesy S. Myers)

  5. Contents of /home/sandrock2/smyers/NAUG2/Data/VLA_CONT/.

    This directory contains continuum data from the June 2000 Synthesis Imaging Summer School, in particular the 6cm polarization data on calibrators such as the extended planet Jupiter. See the README. (Courtesy G. Taylor)

  6. Contents of /home/sandrock2/smyers/NAUG2/Data/VLA_LINE/

    This directory contains 21cm H I data from the VLA in D-config, with both Channel 0 (1.44MB) and the line (35.1MB) uv fits data. Again it was used in the tutorials for the June 2000 Synthesis Imaging Summer School. There is a README file there also. (Courtesy G. Taylor)

  7. (Not available online - on disk at /home/sandrock2/smyers/NAUG2/Data)
    W75NIRS1_SIO21_UC1.UVF.gz, W75NIRS1_SIO21_UC1.UVF2.gz, W75NIRS1_SIO21_UC1.UVF3.gz, W75NIRS1_SIO21_UC1.UVF4.h.gz, W75NIRS1_SIO21_UC1.UVF5.gz (gzipped UVFITS, 152KB total)

    Set of single-field 3mm continuum data from the OVRO MMA taken over 5 partial tracks in 2 configs. (Courtesy D. Shepherd)

  8. (Not available - lost?) The contents of /home/pegaso4/gtaylor/data++/

    This contains C Band(10.9MB), X Band(17.5MB), K Band (12.1MB), and Q Band(24.2MB) VLA continuum data taken from our VLA/VLBA polarization calibration monitoring program. (Courtesy G. Taylor)