Beta Patch 1.0 Watch List _________________________ Updated: 2008-03-14 STM Pre-beta 1.0 --------------- Ongoing Issues: O1. install - non-root install testing (CB) 64-bit (RHE only? Use on FC?) STILL NEEDS TESTING AND VERIFICATION (Lindsey?) REMY ISSUES - PLOTTING ON FC8 NOT YET WORKING CHECK INTO CORNWELL FIXES FOR NON RH INSTALL BRIAN: 64 bit: Kumar & Sanjay use all the time but no recent regressions - I asked Kumar to kick one off. Lindsey's pipeline scripts had some memory problem, but not clear if it's mainline CASA or not; I asked her to test the next 64 bit build. Probably OK but should be left open for now. 2008/03/14 MAYBE 64BIT WORKING? O2. MAC OSX - (STM) [Boyd] monitor this, Boyd still needs to roll a new version BLOCKER - STILL NO LOVE O3. System - (all) matplotlib leak UPGRADE BACKED OUT? new XML tasking templates (check params etc.) OK? devel in CV O4. helpdesk / user support / distribution / webdocs - prepare for new versions available "whats new in Patch 1" docs release notes O5. inline help - (EF) check over, particularly for new tasks NOT STARTED YET, ETA? NEED TO ESTABLISH CHANGE PROCEDURE (XML vs. py) O6. cookbook - (STM) must bring up to date with beta 1.0 GOT HANNINGSMOOTH FROM GUSTAAF NOT STARTED YET, ETA 2/25 - 2/29 Single-Dish stuff (Tak) UNDERWAY python primer O7. efficiency and benchmarking - (all) identify key things to improve in speed SANJAY REPORT? FOR DEVELOPER MEETING ----------------------------------- Blocker Issues (must fix right now or not go into release): X1. plotxy - (EF) [Honglin] averaging and flagging THIS IS BIGGEST BLOCKER CAS-642 multiple SPW with different channelizations CAS-597 SOME AVERAGING PROBLEMS, e.g. N4826 BIMA DATA CB SMA DATA SEEMS OK NOW? WORKS NOW ON N4826 FLAGGING ISSUES? handle ASDM data (multi-spw/chans, sub-scans) AVERAGING FAILS (CB,DS), STILL BAD? X3. logger - (STM) [Boyd,Wes] broken during latest round of "improvements" ^M in multi-line messages (OK) lag in logger lines SEEMS OK NOW? STM: PROBLEMS WITH CRASHING AND HANGING ON MAC NEED MAC BUILD TO CHECK THIS X4. importvla - (STM) [Wes] crash on data from POLCA 20050530 CAS-609 CRASH FIXED drops every other record from 20050530 and 20050430 CAS-639 POSSIBLY FIXED 2008/03/14 POSSIBLY FIXED, CHECK (STM) ----------------------------------- NOTE: The rest of this list is pushed to Patch 2 Major Issues (critical things that we should fix asap) Check New Tasks: A1. polcal - (STM,EF) [George] testing AGREEMENT FOR POINT SOURCE CALIBRATION resolved X calibrator STILL CHASING DOWN X ANGLE DIFFERENCE PROBLEM DIAGNOSED, MOSTLY FIXED (GOOD ENOUGH FOR NOW) cookbook FIRST DRAFT DONE A2. imhead - (CB) [Shannon] testing STILL MORE NEEDED put sometimes does not work e.g. CRVAL4 (or 3) FOR CHANGING STOKES OF IMAGE A3. imstat - (CB) [Shannon] testing NEED TO TEST MASK (FILE ONLY?) added stokes parameter DONE chan axis is order-independent DONE does not work if freq or stokes axis missing SEE CAS-573 cookbook A4. immath - (CB) [Shannon] testing GOOD TO GO? parameters ok? OK FOR PATCH, PREPARE FOR NEXT CYCLE add stokes axis DONE cookbook (e.g. examples) STM FROM SHANNON, ADD POLN EXAMPLES A5. imcontsub - (CB,GvM) [Shannon] fitorder NEEDS TESTING, OK? does not work if freq or stokes axis missing SEE CAS-573 incorrect continuum CAS-647, PURPORTED TO BE FIXED (v4682) single continuum option CURRENTLY CHANNELIZED, SHOULD HAVE OPTION FOR AVERAGE (look into using immoments with moments=-1) cookbook GUSTAAF TO WRITE A6. uvsub - (GvM) [Raymond] testing GOOD TO GO? does scratch columns only, need new ms option DEFER cookbook GUSTAAF SENT TO STEVE A7. hanningsmooth - (GvM) [Raymond] minimal task GOOD ENOUGH mulitple width kernels DEFER on-the-fly in other tasks DEFER cookbook GUSTAAF SENT TO STEVE Check Fixes and Improvements: A8. logger / terminal output - (STM) major cleanup done, check over get rid of useless "progress meters" or make useful FINAL CHECK? A9. split - (EF) [Kumar] averaging (time & channel) CANNOT DO BOTH AT ONCE - OK? TIME AVERAGING FIXED? parameters (similar to plotxy avg?) INTERIM DUE TO ABOVE? A10. polarization imaging - (EF,STM) [Kumar] IQUV all alg, in order/joint HOGBOM = I,Q,U,V CLARK,CS = Joint GOOD ENOUGH - JUST DOCUMENT FOR NOW RR and LL pseudo-Stokes, handle flags OK (EF) BACKED OUT AND DEFER A11. clean/mosaic - (all) parameter name changes (STM,CB) CHECK THESE psf for off-center fields KUMAR IS WORKING ON THIS threshold UNITS (FT=MOSAIC) NEED TO BE EXPLAIND (STM) sequential interactive channel cleaning (CB) DEFER A12. flagdata - (EF) [Sanjay] report correct totals DONE? NEEDS CHECKING report correct new number flagged DEFERRED? DONE? NEEDS CHECKING speedup DEFER (DEVELOPERS MEETING TOPIC?) A12. plotxy - (EF) [Honglin] the non-blocker but serious bits plot points correctly CAS-640, 592 NOTE - THIS PREDATES HONGLIN'S CHANGES (P0.5) RELATED TO GETTING NUMBER PLOTTED WRONG enable time averaging across arrayids DEFER? SEE CAS-608, 641 remove interactive, use figfile for non-interactive NO NEED FOR FIGFILE AND INTERACTIVE time averaging timebin='all' option SEE CAS-608, 641 A13. plotcal - (STM,EF) [Honglin,George] sometimes plots flagged solutions as (1,0) INTERMITTENT? change showgui to interactive as in plotxy, or remove CAN USE FIGFILE TO TOGGLE THIS DEFER NEXT PATCH? -------------------------------------- Important Issues and Improvements (need to check over, but not critical) Check New Tasks/Implementations: B1. listvis - (EF) [Jared] testing FORMAT NOT GREAT BUT GOOD ENOUGH B2. browsetable - (GvM,others) [Laura] now using LG Qt browser (check this) SOME JIRA ISSUES CLEANUP IF YOU USE WINDOW X BUTTON PRECISION OF TIME (FIXED) Check Fixes and Improvements: B3. calibration - (EF) RR and LL calibration (when other pol is flagged) DEFER B4. clean/mosaic msclean - (EF) issues? CAN BE MADE TO WORK documentation? NEED COOKBOOK TIPS ETC. get example from Miller B5. immoments - (CB) make consistent with imstat/immath? PARTIALLY REQUEST TO HAVE includepix,excludepix IN immath ----------------------------------- Minor Issues: Check New Tasks/Features/Scripts: C1. regression scripts - (STM) [Raymond] NGC5921 (now using imstat) OK NGC1333 CHANGED VALUES, MUST CHECK CAUSE C2. ms-selection - (STM) [Sanjay] negation operator STILL NEEDS CHECKING C3. simulator - (CB) anything new here? cookbook? C4. SD tasks - (?) [Tak] some improvements testing GET LEWIS KNEE TO TEST? cookbook ----------------------------------- Deferred: D1. velocity/frame handling - (CB) need selection on velocities in MS ability to plot vs. velocity ability to set and use reference freqs export OK to AIPS via uvfits and fits (see D6 also) D2. viewer - (CB) mostly ground work for next cycle sort by baseline length printing improvements D3. gaincal - (EF) improvements D4. concat - (AH?) improvements D5. cal tables - (EF) GSPLINE instabilities CAS-404 BPOLY issues (plotting mostly) (I think we deferred this) D6. from ASDM to AIPS - (GvM) exportuvfits compatibility' D7. importvla - (GvM,EF) reorder antenna in name/number order speed issues scan numbering for multiple infiles (cf. split,importfits) D8. plotcal - (CB) bandpass plotting (multiple spw) GSPLINE BPOLY labeling D9. widefield - (DW,EF) [Kumar] use DW changes to task? ----------------------------------- Strategic Plans for Development: D1. Calibration Strategy remove explicit use of scratch columns enable trivial models etc. handling of tables (internal object?) polarization strategy DG? angle? future of accum etc. D2. Flagging Strategy flags for stuff in scratch column (e.g. hanning)? better flagging scheme? interaction with calibration? flagging in tables? flagging transfer between ms? flag scope changes? D3. Imaging Strategy output cube specification syntax single task? or just keep tasks in sync? msclean widefield wideband (from Urvashi) modelfitting? using HEALPIX? =================================================================== Resolved Issues (dropped off watch) X. plotcal - (STM,EF) [Honglin,George] plotxy/plotcal crash (see above) CAS-580 FIXED X. imaging/csclean - (EF) [Kumar] bug that overwrote MODEL_DATA FIXED X. plotxy - (EF) [Honglin] frequency xaxis for multi-spw channel data DONE? SEEMS TO WORK ON N4826 plotxy/plotcal non-interactive crash CAS-580 FIXED enable time averaging across scans SEE CAS-608, 641 - DONE make timebin,width sub-par of averagemode (always on) SEE CAS-546,608 - DONE