Sample Review Topics for Midterm #1

Astronomy 1 / Section 3 (S. Myers)

Here are some topics and terms you should understand from the lectures and Chapters 1-4 in Seeds, up to Galileo (this is what the test will cover. Again, this is merely guide for you to get an idea of what could be on the midterm. Be sure to study your notes, the text, and my on-line lecture notes!

powers of ten umbra conjunction
metric system penumbra opposition
light year lunar eclipse quadrature
scale of the universe solar eclipse inferior planet
constellations annular eclipse superior planet
asterisms partial/total eclipse greatest elongation
names of stars eclipse seasons sidereal period
apparent magnitude angular diameter synodic period
intensity ratio physical diameter hypothesis
degrees/arcminutes/arcseconds small angle formula theory
geographic coordinates aberration of starlight paradigm
longitude/latitude angular sizes of Moon and Sun testing theories
celestial coordinates transits of Mercury and Venus science or philosophy?
right ascension/declination occultation Tycho Brahe
north/south celestial poles Pythagoras Johannes Kepler
Polaris Aristotle orbit of Mars
celestial equator Aristotlean cosmology ellipse and parabola
azimuth/elevation cosmology conic sections
elevation of the NCP Alexandria, library of foci and eccentricity
sidereal day/solar day Aristarchus semimajor axis
the ecliptic heliocentric model Kepler's Laws
inclination of Earth's axis Eratosthenes P^2 = a^3
the equinoxes determination of Earth's radius astronomical unit (AU)
the solstices Hipparchus the (Roman) Inquisition
cause of the seasons Ptolemy Galileo Galilei
Earth's equatorial bulge the {\it Almagest} Galileo's mechanics
precession Ptolemy's cosmology Law of Inertia
nutation epicycle and deferent uniform acceleration
Moon's orbital inclination eccentric and equant the telescope
line of nodes Nicholas Copernicus phases of Venus
phases of the Moon De Revolutionibus moons of Jupiter
sidereal/synodic period of Moon Copernican hypothesis surface of Moon
tides scale of solar system sunspots
tidal locking of moon's rotation parallax Milky Way and star clusters
neap/spring tides elongation Galileo's Dialogue

Remember, the midterm is Wednesday Feb 14 in class. Bring a calculator.

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Steven T. Myers - Last revised 12Feb96