ALMA SSR AIPS++ Auditing Plan 12 June 2002 S. Myers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Who - S. Myers (NRAO), K.-I. Morita (NAOJ), F. Viallefond (Obs. Paris) and any deputies enlisted to assist (e.g. Crystal Brogan/NRAO, Alain Coulais/Paris), plus consultation with the AIPS++ group. 2. When - present first-pass auditing results to ASAC in September 2002. Because there is a significant amount of functionality that will be added in the coming year to AIPS++, this audit will probably be incomplete, but it is important to at least get a first round in this year. 3. Construct checklist of requirements in SW-018 to use as template for recording of auditing results. (STM - next 2 weeks). Also, the fiducial version of AIPS++ to use will be the next release, which is scheduled for the end of June (binary versions should be available for download) or beginning of July (CDs shipped out). Those of us with access to the development versions will probably use these instead of the release. 4. Grading scheme: o This applies to at least this first-pass audit o Rather than a numerical scheme, I propose a 3-level descriptive scheme: Adequate (A), Inadequate (I), Not Available (NA) o For each requirement, the AIPS++ tool or function fulfilling that requirement is to be listed. o For items deemed inadequate, the reasons for this should be listed. The matrix presented at the Grenoble meeting is a good guide for the categories of reasons and rough relative weights based on the general category the requirement falls in: efficient accurate reliable easy-to-use core capability 25% 25% 25% 25% user interface 25% - 25% 50% install/maintain 25% - 50% 25% accurate easy-to-use complete underatandable docs/help 25% 25% 25% 25% o For items inadequate and missing (NA), note which features are currently being worked on by the AIPS++ group. o Construct ordered list of I and NA items that need work, based on the requirement Priority (1,2,3) and the severity of the shortfall. o In the first go-round, the three principal auditors (Myers, Morita, Viallefond) will divide up the requirement list and each will focus on particular sections. Each, if they have time, can also go over the other sections (ideally each looks over the full document), and overlaps will be compared later. 5. I suggest that at least through July, only the SSR auditors work on this, and that the AIPS++ group waits for a first draft by us (due 1 August?) before trying their hand at this. I do not want to deflect their attention from working on AIPS++! The could then focus on items that we find Inadequate or Not Available that they disagree with our assessment of. Of course, we should feel free to consult them during our auditing (I will!). 6. Due dates: 1 July 2002 - prepare auditing materials (checklist), agree on methodology with AIPS++ group, enlist deputies 1 August 2002 - first pass of audit, present to AIPS++ group 1 September 2002 - issue report in time for ASAC meeting