The procedure to semi-automatically generate the albums and the web interface for slideshow is as follows: 0. Un-tar the slideshow.tgz file. This will create the following files and directories: Javascripts/ README scripts/ slideshow.html 1. Make a directory tree of your pictures in your Web page home directory. Each sub-directory which has pictures ending with .jpg or .JPG is an album (you can modify the script mkslidelist.lib to include other file formats). Lets assume that the path relative to your homepage is "Pictures". 2. Change to the "scripts" directory. Make a symbolic link to the directory containing your albums here. Lets say the link is named "MyPictures". 3. Execute mkslidelist as mkslidelist MyPictures "http://www.yourwebaddress/~yourlogin/Pictures" (the second argument should be valid URL for the root of your albums tree). 4. This will produce the "albums.html" and "slist.js.tst" files. Copy slist.js.tst file to ../Javascripts/slist.js. Cut-n-paste the contents of "album.html" in ../slideshow.html between the lines: and 5. Load slideshow.html in the browser to see the web interface. NOTE: The slideshow.html file should be in the same area where "Javascripts" directory is. Or else, change the include path for "slideshow.js", "slideinit.js" and "slist.js" files in the "head" section of slideshow.html. Album names and Titles: ---------------------- Album names is the string associated with the albums in the selection list. Album title is the string that appears on the top of each slide. The name of the albums, as they appear in the selection list, and the album titles are read from the "text" file in each album directory. This files contains two tags: "Title:" and "Album:". Everything after these tags is used as the album title and name respectively. If the "text" file is not found in the directory, the directory name is used as the title and album name. Slide captions: -------------- Captions for each slides are appended to the Title string (appears on the top of each slide). The picture specific captions are read from the "slides.text" file in each album directory. The tags in this file should match the file name of the associated picture followed by ":". E.g. "p2200017.jpg:" is the tag for the picture in file "p2200017.jpg". Everything following the tag is used as the caption for the associated picture. HTML in album titles and slide captions: --------------------------------------- The Album titles and slide captions can contain HTML code. However various characters may need to be escaped. E.g. a title with a http reference will be written in the "text" file as Title: This is an active link. Have fun. S.Bhatnagar Aug 05, 2005