chavg Filter to average the data in a LTA file in time and/or frequency. It reads an LTA file and outputs an LTA file with the specified channels averaged. Averaging is done first along the time axis and then along the frequency axis. Author Sanjay Bhatnagar ( in (default=No default) Name of the input LTA file. out (default=No default) Name of the output LTA file. object (default=All sources) Regular expression for source selection. Data for only the selected sources is averaged and written to the output stream. integ (default=No integration in time) The time constant for integration in time as well. poln (default=-1 ==> ? - I forget which poln -1 implies!) Looks like this works on a single polarization at a time! :)) chan (default=0,MaxChan,1) This takes 3 integers - start,stop,step. Channels starting from the channel no. start will be averaged till the channel number stop in steps of step. norm (default=0 ==> Un-normalized) Set it to 1 if the data is to be normalized before the averaging operator is applied.