%Id $Id: calibbp.doc,v 1.11 1999/02/23 08:54:14 sanjay Exp $ calibbp Program to perform band pass calibration. It solves for complex antenna gains for all selected channels using the calibrator scans and applies the interpolated values to the target source. Data can be integrated before the solver is applied. As an alternative, solutions can be found for every calibrator data record and average solution used for calibration. Author Sanjay Bhatnagar (sanjay@ncra.tifr.res.in) in (default=stdin) Name of the input LTA format data file. out (default=stdout) The output file name. The output data would be written in GMRT native data recording format (LTA format). Only the calibrated scans (selected by the 'obj' keyword) will be written out. gaintab (default==>Create a new gain table) Name of the gain table file. When a file name is provided, gains are read from the file and not computed from the data. By default, new gain table will be computed and saved in a scratch file in the local area. Any pre-existing default gain table files in the current directory will be also be removed. cal (default==>None) The regular expression to match the name of the calibrator source(s) in the data file. obj (default==>All source) The regular expression to match the name of the source(s) which are to be calibrated. Only the sources thus selected will appear in the output file. integ (default==>Min. allowed by the data) Integration time in seconds for integrating the calibrator data before solving for the antenna gains. solinteg (default==>The entire calibrator scan) Integration time in seconds for integrating the gain before applying to the target source. refant (default==>First antenna is use) The reference antenna to be used for phase referencing of the antenna based complex gains. This can be supplied as a numeric antenna index or a fully qualified antenna name (type "explain baselines:xtract" for more information on the definition and construction of fully qualified names). badbase (default==>None) List of bad baselines which are to be flagged before solving for antenna gains. These could be regular expression to match antenna name(s) (or antenna number(s)), all baselines of which will be flagged, or a fully qualified baseline name(s) which alone will be flagged (see more on this in the documentation of the program "xtract" - use the command "explain baselines:xtract" in any of the off-line programs). poln (default=-1 ==> 130 MHz. channel) The polarization channel to be used. Value of -1 ==> 130 MHz channel Value of 1 ==> 175 MHz channel flux (default=1.0) The flux of the calibrator in Jy. resid (default=10 (percent)) The maximum acceptable chi-square for the gains solutions. If the chisq is greater than this, the solutions are discarded. This quantity is specified as percentage of the calibrator flux. mode (default=2) The mode of solver: Mode = 0 ==> solve only for phases Mode = 1 ==> solve only for amps. Mode = 2 ==> solve for Amp and Phs simultaneously. norm (default=1 ==> Normalize) If set to 1, the data is first normalized with the geometric mean of the self correlators before applying the solver. Otherwise, un-normalized data is used. chan (default=None) This keyword takes maximum of three integer values - the start, stop and increment in the channels to be used for solving for the antenna gains. eat (default=1m; defined in $GCONF/calibbp.config) Length of time for which the initial data in each scan is to be eaten. This is a dbg class keyword and hence will be visible only when the application is started with help=dbg on the command-line. However, it can be set/unset anytime.