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Demangling the template names

When linking the names of the missing class/function instantiations may be printed in a mangled form. To demangle them save the g++ output in a file and use /usr/local/gnu/bin/c++filt.
An example (Using csh) is:

   gmake >&! g++.out
   /usr/local/gnu/bin/c++filt < g++.out
or using sh
gmake 2>&1 | /usr/local/gnu/bin/c++filt | tee missing-templates

The c++filt command will translate the following mangled name

and because the getArray function is a member function of the MaskedArray class we need to instantiate the whole class (MaskedArray<PointComponent>)

Ralph Marson
Wed Aug 28 17:15:27 MDT 1996