ALMA-US Strawman Configuration Designs

(Toronto URSI Workshop, Sept. 1999)

What Drives the Array Design?



Cost-Benefit Analysis (MMA Memo 199 & 265)

The cost and benefits of adding an additional configuration are formulated and computed by Holdaway (1998, MMA Memo 199) and by Yun & Kogan (1999, MMA Memo 265). See these memos for details. One of the main conclusions of these memos is that some 4 to 6 separation configurations can achieve the optimum array efficiency at the minimum cost. Modest changes to the assumptions made in these analyses should not change this conclusion. The strawman array design discussed here utilizes this finding.

Kogan Optimization (MMA Memo 171)

Keto (1997, ApJ, 475, 843) and others have previously argued for array designs that optimizes the FP coverage. Such a design makes a good sense for the arrays with small numbers of elements (e.g. <10) since the image quality is limited by how well the visibility can be measured with the limited sampling of the Fourier plane. When the numbers of the array elements are as large as 64, then even the instantaneous FP coverage should be very good, and a different optimization critiria may be more important.

Kogan (1997, MMA Memo 171) suggests an alternative array optimization scheme which minimize the sidelobe response within the certain numbers of synthesized beam radii. By minimizing the sidelobe responses, this optimization aims to allow the best possible performance for any deconvolution methods, such as CLEAN or MEM. See the memo for the full mathematical desciption and how this algorithm is implemented in practice.

Using a mathematical proof, Kogan (1999, PASP, 111, 510) also demonstrates that the negative sidelobes of an array's synthesized beam in a snapshot observation depends only on the number of the elements. For a 64 element array, the maximum negative sidelobe level should be about 1.6% for a snapshot.

Competing Reconfiguration Concepts

Set Configurations:




simple reconfiguration and scheduling planning  

a larger moving crew is needed 

tapering of data can be designed in 

tapering may be needed more often 

3-6 days are required for each reconfiguration, but this time can be utilized fully for detection experiments

Continuous Reconfiguration:




minimum moving crew is needed 

permanent moving crew is needed 

continuously changing resolution 

not necessarily more robust against tapering in practice 

maximum pad re-use can be designed in 

N+1 antennas always lost for calibration 

additional layer of complication in scheduling observations and reconfiguration 


==> consider a hybrid scheme?

Practical Concerns



Strawman Arrays

Compact Array:

Intermediate Arrays:

"10 km" Array:

A Strawman Layout at the Site

A layout for a possble set of ALMA configurations are shown below. This drawing is the output of an exercise only meant to demonstrate how a potential ALMA configurations may be matched to the site topography and other restrictions. At the moment, only limited topographical information sufficient for 3 km array is available, but additional information should become available shortly. An important outcome of this exercise is that there are limited options for a 500 meter diameter flat area at the site, which makes fitting any concentric or spiral type configuration difficult. The 10 km configuration will most certainly have to be independent of the more compact configurations.

Remaining Tasks

Imaging Study (Simulations & Evaluations)

Site Study

Detailed Optimizations


Last modified September 15, 1999