1997 Calendar of Events
This is the list of student lectures and other organized events for
the summer students. Many of the future events are only tentatively scheduled.
June 1997
June 3, 10:00 am: VLA Public information lecture by D. Finley (auditorium)
June 3, 11:00 am: VLA tour by D. Finley (site)
June 5, 02:00 pm: Safety lecture by J. Spargo (1st floor conference room)
June 10, 10:00 am: "Fourier Transform" by B. Butler (auditorium)
June 10, 01:00 pm: "Radio Astronomy Instrumentation and Telescope" by P. Napier (auditorium)
June 10, 04:00 pm: "Interferometry" by R. Perley (auditorium)
June 11, 10:00 am: "Imaging and Deconvolution" by T. Cornwell (auditorium)
June 11, 11:00 am: "VLBI" by P. Diamond (auditorium)
June 18, 10:00 am: "Continuum Processes and Radiative Transfer" by T. Bastian (3rd floor conference room)
June 18, 11:00 am: "Spectral Lines" by M. Yun (3rd floor conference room)
June 25, 10:30 am: "Radio Galaxies and Jets" by G. Taylor (3rd floor conference room)
July 1997
July 2, 10:00 pm: "Cosmology" by J. Uson (3rd floor conference room)
July 3, 02:00 pm: "Space VLBI" by J. Ulvestad (auditorium)
July 4, BBQ at Min's
July 7, 09:00 am: "Gamma Ray Burster" by D. Frail (1st floor conference room)
July 8-11: Field trip to Kitt Peak and Tucson (NRAO and NOAO)
July 11: "Contact" opens at theaters near you (maybe)
July 15, 11:00 am: "Maser" by J. Herrnstein (3rd floor conference room)
July 17, 10:00 am: "Metal Abundances" by L. van Zee (auditorium)
July 23, 10:00 am: "HI in Galaxies" by J. van Gorkom (3rd floor conference room)
July 30, 10:00 am: "Stellar Blackholes" by R. Hjellming (3rd floor conference room)
August 1997
August 6, 10:00 am: "Solar System" by T. Bastian & B. Butler (3rd floor conference room)
August 5, 12:00 pm: Student presentations (auditorium)
August 12, 12:00 pm: Student presentations (auditorium)
Other Potential Lectures
"Merging Galaxies and Starburst" by M. Yun
Last update: June 23, 1997 by msy