# File: /dolomite/home/kscott/www/sysadmin/topics/legality_policies.notes # Author: K. Scott Rowe # Time-stamp: <04/24/2000 23:37:43 kscott@bendenweir.nmt.edu> Randal worked as contract sysadmin for intel he also was an author for Oreilly he had valid access to both. randal used a gateway process to get throug intel's firewall. he had originally written this to use for others that need to ligitimatly get into intel when they were away. randal had downloaded the latest version of crack and tried it out on a small bbs-like site and informed the sysop of the cracked passwds. he was so happy with himself that he began cracking anything he could find. he got the passwd file from ora.com and ssd.intel and ran crack on them both at the intel site on the other side of the firewall. there was a "secure" (ssd) site at intel he "broke" into with a user/pass (ronb/RonB) he obtained from cracking his authorized intel site. a search warrent, three hour interrogation. $170k in court and related costs $68K in fines/restitution. 5 years probation, 480 hours of comunity service. three felony counts