Run Runner!

People began decending on Socorro on Thursday September 13th, 2001. They came from places like California, Arizona, Colorado, Oragon, Georga, Washington and even Albuquerque. Many had lots of things to do in Socorro, but there was one thing they all had in common...
Lastday: Virgo 1971

Preparing for Carousel

K. Scott had reached his thirtieth birthday, and is was time to renew. Carousel was to be at Cort Dougans house on September 15th and people were gathering for the event.

As is traditional, a sopapilla party was held the day before Carousel. As with most parties, mass consumption of alcohol was in order.

But for some reason, certain people couldn't figure out how to do it correctly.

K. Scott himself didn't seem to realize there was alcohol at all.

Kim's hat, which is damned cool, was warn by several. However Kim never strayed far while others wore it. Notice her hand carefully guarding the hat from the top. Fortunatly, all was forgiven once Joleen took the hat off.

The rest of the eavening was spent loosing clothing, drinking more, and learning to juggle.


The next day was LASTDAY. Guests began to arrive to the spectacular event.

The first game was Remove The Sandman's Weapon With Your Teeth. This is a much more complicated game then it looks, especially when the weapon (a mock-up of Avon's weapon from Blake 7) is shoved in your opponents trousers. Like This

The next game was shot checkers. Yup. You guessed it. Replace the normal checkers pieces with shotglasses, fill said glasses, move - jump - shoot. Actually, the rules aren't really that complated. Between checkers matches, and sometimes during, another game broke out. I call this one, Hey, can I superglue my forhead to yours?

Not to be outdone, Gypsy decided to play after K. Scott did. She challenged Kim, and while no one ever really wins at shot checkers, the fact that Gypsy played a second game against Chris makes here a winner in my book. That's over 24 B52 shots ladies and gentlemen. And she didn't even show it.

At some point during the evening, Danny and Bob started their own game. I can only guess the name to be something like leap slug.

Chewy spent most of the night being her usual photogenic self.

And K. Scott found time to pass on the secreat Sandman Juggling Pattern to an eager trainee.

The Day After

After resting on Sunday, and realizing that he wasn't going to die, K. Scott woke up at the butt crack of dawn to drive Kim to the airport.

Here are all the photos I have so far.
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K. Scott Rowe