import os import sys import shutil import numpy as np import json import urllib.request # use polynomial coefficients to calculate the flux at the reference frequency def vlacal_calc_flux_from_coeffs( coeff, freq ): x = np.log10( freq / 1e9 ) p1 = np.poly1d( coeff[::-1] ) return 10**(p1(x)) # interpolate fluxscale data def vlacal_interpolate_fluxscale( fluxscale_coeffs, freq, target_date, verbose=False ): dates = np.array( [ fluxscale_coeffs[key]['date_observed'] for key in fluxscale_coeffs.keys() ], dtype='int') coeffs = [ fluxscale_coeffs[key]['coefficients'] for key in fluxscale_coeffs.keys() ] to_sort = dates.argsort() fluxes = np.array( [ vlacal_calc_flux_from_coeffs( coef, freq ) for coef in coeffs ] ) if verbose: print(f'Available fluxscale data at reference frequency {freq/1e9} GHz:') for i,date in enumerate(dates[to_sort]): print(' {0} {1}'.format(date, fluxes[to_sort][i]) ) new_flux = np.interp( target_date, dates[to_sort], fluxes[to_sort] ) return new_flux def vlacal_setjy_calculate_ratio( source, band, date ): vlacal_url = "" band_table_txt = '''\ P, 0.23, 0.47 L, 1, 2 S, 2, 4 C, 4, 8 X, 8, 12 U, 12, 18 K, 18, 26.5 A, 26.5, 40 Q, 40, 50 ''' band_table = np.genfromtxt( band_table_txt.split('\n'), dtype=None, delimiter=',', encoding='utf-8' ) f_min, f_max = band_table[band_table['f0']==band][['f1','f2']][0] f_min = f_min*1e9 f_max = f_max*1e9 f_reference = 0.5*(f_min+f_max) url = f'{vlacal_url}/fluxscale/{source}' req = urllib.request.Request( url ) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response: fluxscale_coeffs = json.loads('utf-8')) target_date = int(qa.splitdate(date)['mjd']) new_flux = vlacal_interpolate_fluxscale( fluxscale_coeffs, f_reference, target_date, verbose=False ) print('Obtained flux of {0:.3f} Jy on mjd {1} for source {2} at reference frequency {3} GHz'.format(new_flux, target_date, source, f_reference/1e9)) pb17_coeffs = [fluxscale_coeffs[key]['coefficients'] for key in fluxscale_coeffs.keys() if fluxscale_coeffs[key]['date_observed'] == 57754][0] pb17_flux = vlacal_calc_flux_from_coeffs( pb17_coeffs, f_reference ) excess_flux = new_flux - pb17_flux print('This interpolated flux differs from Perley-Butler 2017 by {0:0.2f}%'.format( 100.0*excess_flux/pb17_flux )) def vlacal_setjy_predict_model_data(vis, field, source, spw, band, date): vlacal_url = "" band_table_txt = '''\ P, 0.23, 0.47 L, 1, 2 S, 2, 4 C, 4, 8 X, 8, 12 U, 12, 18 K, 18, 26.5 A, 26.5, 40 Q, 40, 50 ''' # get band center frequency from band table band_table = np.genfromtxt( band_table_txt.split('\n'), dtype=None, delimiter=',', encoding='utf-8' ) f_min, f_max = band_table[band_table['f0']==band][['f1','f2']][0] f_min = f_min*1e9 f_max = f_max*1e9 f_reference = 0.5*(f_min+f_max) # retrieve fluxscale url = f'{vlacal_url}/fluxscale/{source}' req = urllib.request.Request( url ) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response: fluxscale_coeffs = json.loads('utf-8')) # interpolate flux target_date = int(qa.splitdate( date )['mjd']) new_flux = vlacal_interpolate_fluxscale( fluxscale_coeffs, f_reference, target_date, verbose=False ) print(f'Interpolated {source} flux on mjd {target_date} of {new_flux:0.3f} Jy at reference frequency {f_reference/1e9} GHz') pb17_coeffs = [fluxscale_coeffs[key]['coefficients'] for key in fluxscale_coeffs.keys() if fluxscale_coeffs[key]['date_observed'] == 57754][0] pb17_flux = vlacal_calc_flux_from_coeffs( pb17_coeffs, f_reference ) excess_flux = new_flux - pb17_flux pb17_low = vlacal_calc_flux_from_coeffs( pb17_coeffs, f_min ) pb17_high = vlacal_calc_flux_from_coeffs( pb17_coeffs, f_max ) flux_low = vlacal_interpolate_fluxscale( fluxscale_coeffs, f_min, target_date) flux_high = vlacal_interpolate_fluxscale( fluxscale_coeffs, f_max, target_date) excess_low = flux_low - pb17_low excess_high = flux_high - pb17_high if np.isfinite( np.log(excess_high/excess_low) ): core_index = np.log(excess_high/excess_low) / np.log(f_max/f_min) else: core_index = 0.0 # retrieve_complist for requested source, band url = f'{vlacal_url}/components/{source}/{band}' req = urllib.request.Request( url ) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response: components = json.loads('utf-8')) direction_rad = components['csys']['direction0']['crval'] core_direction = 'J2000 {0} {1}'.format( qa.time('{0}rad'.format(direction_rad[0]), prec=12)[0], qa.angle('{0}rad'.format(direction_rad[1]),prec=12 )[0] ) cl_name = f'{source}_{band}_vlacal_mjd{target_date}.cl' # modify cl table if os.path.isdir( cl_name ): rmtables( cl_name ) cl.close(log=False) cl.fromrecord(components['complist']) cl.addcomponent( flux=excess_flux, fluxunit='Jy', dir=core_direction, shape='point', freq='{0}Hz'.format(f_reference), spectrumtype='spectral index', index=core_index ) clrec = cl.torecord() cl.rename( cl_name ) cl.done() # print(f'Saving modified component list table: {cl_name}') print(f"Filling MODEL_DATA column using task_ft for data selection: field='{field}', spw='{spw}'") # run ft ft(vis=vis, field=field, spw=spw, complist=cl_name, usescratch=True)