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Perets\altaffilmark{1}, Alessia Gualandris\altaffilmark{2}, Gabor Kupi\altaffilmark{1}, David Merritt\altaffilmark{2} and Tal Alexander\altaffilmark{1} } 76100, Israel} \altaffiltext{2}{Department of Physics and Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY 14623} \begin{abstract} We use $N$-body simulations to study the evolution of the orbital eccentricities of stars deposited near ($\lesssim0.05$ pc) the Milky Way massive black hole (MBH), starting from initial conditions motivated by two competing models for their origin: formation in a disk followed by inward migration; and exchange interactions involving a binary star. The first model predicts modest eccentricities, lower than those observed in the S-star cluster, while the second model predicts higher eccentricities than observed. The $N$-body simulations include a dense cluster of $10M_{\odot}$ stellar black holes (SBHs), expected to accumulate near the MBH by mass segregation. Perturbations from the SBHs tend to randomize the stellar orbits, partially erasing the dynamical signatures of their origin. The eccentricities of the initially highly eccentric stars evolve, in $20$ Myr (the S-star lifespan), to a distribution that is consistent at the $\sim\!95\%$ level with the observed eccentricity distribution. In contrast, the eccentricities of the initially more circular orbits fail to evolve to the observed values in 20 Myr, arguing against the disk migration scenario. We find that $20\%$--$30\%$ of the S-stars are tidally disrupted by the MBH over their lifetimes, and that the S-stars are not likely to be ejected as hypervelocity stars outside the central 0.05 pc by close encounters with stellar black holes. \end{abstract} \keywords{black hole physics --- galaxies: nuclei --- stars: kinematics } \section{Introduction} In recent years, high resolution observations have revealed the existence of many young OB stars in the Galactic center (GC). Accurate measurement of the orbital parameters of these stars gives strong evidence for the existence of a massive black hole (MBH) which dominates the dynamics in the GC \citep{ghe+98,eis+05,gil+08}. Most of the young stars are observed in the central 0.5 pc around the MBH. The young star population in the inner 0.05 pc (the {}``S-stars'') consists exclusively of B-stars, in an apparently isotropic distribution around the MBH, with relatively high eccentricities ($0.3\lesssim e\lesssim0.95$; \citealt{gil+08}). The young stars outside this region comprise O-stars in one or two disks, and present markedly different orbital properties \citep{lev+03,bar+08,lu+09}. Since regular star formation in the region near the MBH is inhibited by tidal forces, many suggestions have been made regarding the origin of the S-stars. Many of these are probably ruled out by observations and/or by theoretical arguments \citep[see][for a review]{ale05,pau+06}. The various scenarios for the origin of the S-stars predict very different distributions for their orbits, which in principle could be constrained by observations. However, it is not clear to what extent relaxation processes can produce changes in the distribution of orbital parameters after the stars have been deposited near their current locations. Here we try to resolve this question. We use $N$-body simulations to follow the evolution of stellar orbits around the GC MBH for $20$ Myr, starting from various initial conditions that were motivated by different models for the origin of the S-stars. However, we do not discuss here the possibility that an intermediate mass black hole was involved in the production and/or evolution of the S-stars, which is discussed in details elsewhere \citep[see ][and references therein]{mer+09}. We find our N-body results to be consistent with our analytical predictions, and compare them with current observations. We then discuss the implications for the validity of the models for the production of the S-stars. In addition we study the possible ejection of the S-stars outside the inner $0.05$ pc and the contribution of such ejected stars to the population of hypervelocity stars (\citet{bro+08}) and to the isotropic population of B-stars observed at distances of up to $0.5$ pc from the MBH (i.e. at distances similar to those of the young O/WR stellar disks, but outside of these disks at high inclinations). In \S2 we summarize the different models for the origin of the S-stars and the predictions that they make for the stellar orbits at the time when the stars are first deposited near the MBH. \S3 describes the $N$-body simulations we carried out to follow the S-star orbital evolution starting from these initial conditions. \S4 and \S5 present the results of these simulations and discusses the implications for the origin of the stellar populations of B-stars in the GC and for the population of hypervelocity stars observed in the Galactic halo. \S6 sums up. \section{Models for the S-stars origin} Many solutions have been suggested for the origin of the S-stars, but many of these have been effectively excluded (see \citealp{ale05,pau+06} for a review). Here we focus on two basic models which differ substantially in their predictions for the initial orbital distribution of the S-stars and/or the time passed since their arrival/formation at their current location. These are (1) formation of the S-stars in a stellar disk close to the MBH, followed by transport through a planetary-migration-like scenario to their current positions \citep{lev07}; (2) formation of the S-stars in binaries far from the MBH followed by scattering onto the MBH by massive perturbers (e.g. giant molecular clouds) and tidal disruption of the binaries \citep{per+07,per+08}, leaving a captured star in a tight orbit around the MBH. Binary disruption scenarios similar to (2) have been proposed, in which the S-stars formed in a stellar disk (either the currently observed 6 Myr old disk, or an older, currently not observed disk) and later changed their orbits due to coherent torques through an instability of eccentric disks \citep{mad+08}; or through the Kozai mechanism resulting from the presence of two disks \citep{loc+08b}. The former of these two alternative models may not be favored since the observed disk shows only moderate eccentricities ($\sim0.34$; \citealp{bar+08}) and has too short a lifetime for these processes to be effective \citep{mad+08}. The latter alternative is also unlikely since the Kozai mechanism is quenched in the presence of a massive enough cusp of stars such as exists in the GC \citep{cha+08,mad+08}). Furthermore, the disk-scattering scenario could be at work only in the last $\sim6$ Myr if originating in the currently observed stellar disk(s), while the massive perturber scenario could be at work at the last few tens of Myr (up to the life span of the S-stars). In any case, these alternative binary-disruption scenarios imply very similar initial distributions for the captured S-stars. In the following, we briefly discuss the initial distribution of the eccentricities and inclinations of the S-stars expected from the different scenarios for their production. The models are summarized in Table \ref{t:models}. % \begin{table*} \caption{\label{t:models}Models for the S-stars origin } \centering{}\begin{tabular}{llccccl} \hline \# & Origin & Initial & Time & Model & Survival & Refs.$^{c}$\tabularnewline & & Eccentricity & (Myr) & Probability$^{a}$ & Fraction$^{b}$ & \tabularnewline \hline 1 & Capture following Binary disruption due & High & $6$ & $0.26$ & $0.8$ & 1\tabularnewline & massive perturbers or to disk instability & ($0.94\le e\le0.99$) & & & & \tabularnewline & in an old non-observed disk & & & & & \tabularnewline 2 & Capture following Binary disruption due & High & $20$ & $0.93$ & $0.7$ & 2\tabularnewline & to disk instability in currently observed disk & ($0.94\le e\le0.99$) & & & & \tabularnewline 3 & Disk formation + planetary like & Low & $6$ & $8\times10^{-3}$ & $0.9$ & 3\tabularnewline & migration (currently observed disk) & ($e\le0.5$) & & & & \tabularnewline 4 & Disk formation + planetary like & Low & $20$ & $0.06$ & $0.8$ & 3\tabularnewline & migration (possible old disk) & ($e\le0.5$) & & & & \tabularnewline \hline \multicolumn{7}{l}{$^{a}${\footnotesize Probability for the samples of the observed and simulated S-stars}}\tabularnewline \multicolumn{7}{l}{{\footnotesize to be randomly chosen from the same distribution (see text).}}\tabularnewline \multicolumn{7}{l}{$^{b}${\footnotesize Fraction of S-stars not disrupted by the MBH during the simulation (see text).}}\tabularnewline \multicolumn{7}{l}{$^{c}$ (1) \citet{mad+08} (2) \citet{per+07} (3)\citet{lev07}}\tabularnewline \hline \end{tabular} \end{table*} \subsection{Binary disruption by a massive black hole} \label{sec:Binary-disruption} A close pass of a binary star near a massive black hole results in an exchange interaction, in which one star is ejected at high velocity, while its companion is captured by the MBH and left on a bound orbit. Such interaction occurs because of the tidal forces exerted by the MBH on the binary components. Typically, a binary (with mass, $M_{bin}$, and semi-major axis, $a_{bin}$), is disrupted when it crosses the tidal radius of the MBH (of mass $\Mbh$), given by $r_{t}=a_{bin}(\Mbh/M_{bin})^{1/3}$. One of the binary components is captured by the MBH \citep{gou+03} on a wide and eccentric orbit while the companion is ejected with high velocity \citep{hil88}. The capture probability and the semi-major axis distribution of the captured stars were estimated by means of numerical simulations, showing that most binaries approaching the MBH within the tidal radius $r_{t}(a_{bin})$ are disrupted \citep{hil91,hil92,gua+05,bro+06c}. The harmonic mean semi-major axis for 3-body exchanges with equal mass binaries was found to be \citep{hil91} \begin{equation} \left\langle a_{cap}\right\rangle \simeq0.56\left(\frac{\Mbh}{M_{\mathrm{bin}}}\right)^{2/3}a_{bin}\simeq\,0.56\left(\frac{\Mbh}{M_{\mathrm{bin}}}\right)^{1/3}r_{t},\label{e:afinal}\end{equation} where $a_{bin}$ is the semi-major axis of the infalling binary and $a_{cap}$ that of the captured star (the MBH-star {}``binary''). Most values of $a_{cap}$ fall within a factor $2$ of the mean. This relation maps the semi-major axis distribution of the infalling binaries to that of the captured stars: the harder the binaries, the more tightly bound the captured stars. The periapse of the captured star is at $r_{t}$, and therefore its eccentricity is very high \citep{hil91,mil+05}, \begin{equation} e\!=\!1-r_{t}/a_{cap}\!\simeq1-1.8(M_{\mathrm{bin}}/\Mbh)^{1/3}\!\simeq\!0.94-0.99\label{eq:capture-eccentricity}\end{equation} for values typical of B-type main sequence binaries and the MBH in the GC ($M_{bin}=6-30\,\Mo$; $\Mbh=3.6\times10^{6}\,\Mo$; $a_{cap}=0.5-2\times\left\langle a_{cap}\right\rangle $). Therefore, in order to study the evolution of S-stars from the binary disruption scenarios we assume that the initial eccentricities of S-stars are in the range $0.94-0.99$ (where most are close to the mean value of $0.98$). In principle the binary disruption scenario has specific predictions for the semi-major axis distribution of the captured stars, which could also be used for constraining the model. However such distribution is highly sensitive to differences in the (unknown) binary distribution in the GC region. The prediction of high eccentricities for the captured S-stars, instead, is robust and has only a weak dependence on the mass of the binary. The inclinations of the captured S-stars in the massive perturbers scenario \citep{per+07} are likely to be distributed isotropically since the stars originate in an isotropic cusp. In the disk instability scenario \citep{mad+08}, however, the progenitors of the captured stars originate from a disk and therefore their inclinations should resemble that of the stellar disk, i.e. have a very limited range, of the order of the stellar disk angular thickness. \subsection{Planetary like migration from the young stellar disk(s)} \citet{lev07} suggested that the S-stars could have formed in the currently observed stellar disk in the GC \citep{bar+08,lu+09}, and then migrated inward in a way similar to planetary migration. The migration time scale expected from such a scenario could be as short as $10^{5}$ yr (for type I migration), which could be comparable to (although possibly larger than; \citet{nay+07}) the lifetime of the gaseous disk. Recent analytic work (\citet{ogi+03,gol+03b}; and references therein) has shown that eccentricity is likely to be damped during migration, unless eccentricity excitation occurs, which requires the opening of a clean gap in the disk. In the latter case the migration timescale might be larger \citep{lev07}, possibly inconsistent with the lifetime of the gaseous disk \citep{nay+07}. It is therefore more likely that the eccentricities of the stars are damped during the migration. Even eccentricity excitation, if such took place, is unlikely to excite very high eccentricities. The mean eccentricity of the observed stars in the stellar disk is $0.34\pm0.06$. Therefore, in order to study the evolution of the S-stars following their formation in a stellar disk, we assume them to have low eccentricities, or, being conservative, moderately high eccentricities ($e_{max}=0.5$; where we use a thermal distribution of eccentricities, cut off at $e_{max}$). These simulations include the less likely (\citealt{lev07}) possibility that the stellar disk extended inward to the current region of the S-stars, in which case the S-stars were formed in-situ and did not migrate. \section{The N-body simulations} To test these competing models, we carried out $N$-body simulations of the inner Milky Way bulge using models containing a realistic number of stars. All integrations were carried out on the 32-node GRAPE cluster \texttt{gravitySimulator} %\footnote{http://wiki.cs.rit.edu/bin/view/GRAPEcluster} at the Rochester Institute of Technology which adopts a parallel setup of GRAPE accelerator boards to efficiently compute gravitational forces. The direct-summation code $\phi$GRAPE was used \citep{har+07}. The simulations used a softening radius of $\sim4\, R_{\odot}$ comparable to the radius of the S-stars $r_{\star}$, so as to be able to follow even the closest encounters between stars. Our initial conditions were based on a collisionally evolved model of a cusp of stars and stellar remnants around the GC MBH \citep[hereafter HA06; see also \citealt{fre+06}]{hop+06b}. HA06 evolved the multi-mass isotropic Fokker-Planck equation representing the stellar distribution in the region extending to $\sim1$ pc from the MBH; in their models the contribution to the gravitational potential from the distributed mass is ignored. HA06 fixed the relative numbers of objects in each of four mass bins by assuming a mass function consistent with continuous star formation. The $10M_{\odot}$ stellar-mass black holes (SBHs) were found to follow a steep, $n(r)\sim r^{-2}$ density profile near the MBH while the lower-mass populations (main-sequence stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars) had $n\sim r^{-\alpha}$, $1.4\lesssim\alpha\lesssim1.5$. The SBHs were found to dominate the mass density inside $\sim0.01$ pc. Based on this model, we constructed an $N$-body realization containing a total of 1200 objects within 0.3 pc of the MBH: 200 {}``stars,'' with masses of $3\, M_{\odot}$, and 1000 {}``black holes'' with masses $10\, M_{\odot}$, around a MBH of $3\times10^{6}\, M_{\odot}$. We set $\alpha=2$ for the SBHs and $\alpha=1.5$ for the lower-mass stars, and each density component was tapered smoothly to zero beyond $0.1$ pc when computing the corresponding $f(E)$. Since the S-stars may have masses as high as $\sim10\, M_{\odot}$, the higher mass stars in our simulations could also be treated as S-stars. We did not see any major differences in the evolution of the more massive and the less massive stars, and we discuss the evolution of both together. The number of SBHs contained within a radius $r$ in our $N$-body models was \begin{equation} N(0.94-0.99$; cf. section \ref{sec:Binary-disruption}). Under these assumptions, the stars evolved for $6$ Myr (if formed in the stellar disk) or longer (if the S-stars formed outside the central pc, i.e. not in the young stellar disk). We evolved the models for up to $20$ Myr, which is comparable to the lifetime of the most massive observed S-star (S2). In the second scenario we assumed that the S-stars formed in a gaseous disk and then migrated inwards (or formed in situ in a disk extending close to the MBH). For this case we assumed the S-stars to have low eccentricities ($<0.5$), as typical of disk formation models, and to evolve for $6\,$Myr (the lifetime of the observed stellar disk). In order to check both scenarios we selected the stars with initially high eccentricity orbits ($0.94\leq e\leq0.99$) and low eccentricity orbits ($e\leq0.5$) and followed their evolution for a time appropriate to their presumed origin. In addition to these evolutionary scenarios we also studied the possibility of ejection of S-stars as hypervelocity stars, following a close encounter with a SBH in the vicinity of the MBH, as suggested by \citet{ole+07}. Our high resolution simulations can accurately follow close encounters between stars, and therefore track any resulting high velocity ejections of stars. Motivated by recent observations of B-type main sequence stars outside the inner $0.05$ pc of the Galaxy, which show evidence of random orientations similar to those of the S-stars, we also looked for stars scattered to larger distances by gravitational encounters. In other words, we considered whether captured S-stars could dynamically evolve to become the extended B-type stars population observed outside the central $0.05$ pc. Although some binaries could exist in the close regions near the MBH \citep{per08b,per09}, these are likely to be rapidly disrupted and not play an important role in the dynamical evolution of the S-stars \citep{per09}. We therefore do not include any binaries in our initial conditions for the S-stars and SBHs evolution. \section{Results} \subsection{Simulations vs. theory: resonant relaxation} \label{sub:RR} We applied the correlation curve method \citet{eil+08} to our simulations to identify the relaxation process responsible for the dynamical evolution of the stars (Fig. \ref{f:RR}). The method is able to detect and measure relaxation in nearly Keplerian $N$-body systems. In the isotropic system considered here, the angular momentum of the stars, $J$, evolves both due to the slow stochastic two-body relaxation (e.g. \citealt{bin+87}) and to the rapid resonant relaxation (RR) \citep{rau+96,rau+98,hop+06a,gur+07,eil+08}. Two-body relaxation changes $J$ in a random walk fashion, $\left|\Delta J\right|/J_{c}\!=\sqrt{\tau/\tau_{NR}}$ over the long two-body relaxation time-scale $\tau_{NR}\!\sim\! Q^{2}/(N\log Q)$, where $J_{c}$ is the maximal (circular orbit) angular momentum for a given energy, $Q\!=\!\Mbh/\Ms$, $N$ is the number of enclosed stars on the distance scale of interest, and time $\tau\!=\! t/P$ is measured in terms of the orbital period on that scale. Resonant relaxation occurs when the symmetries of the potential act to constrain the stellar orbits (e.g. closed ellipses in a Kepler potential, or planar rosettes in a spherical one). As long as the symmetry is approximately maintained on the coherence timescale $t_{w}$, the stars experience coherent torques, and $\Delta J/J_{c}\!\sim\!(\sqrt{N}/Q)\tau$. In a nearly Keplerian potential, as is the case in the inner parsec of the GC, RR can change both the magnitude of $J$ ({}``scalar RR'') and its direction ({}``vector RR''). In the Newtonian context, the coherence of scalar RR is limited by the precession of the apoapse due to the enclosed stellar mass, on a time-scale $\tau_{M}\!\sim\! Q/N$. On timescales $\tau\!>\!\tau_{M}$, the coherent change $\Delta J(\tau_{M})$ becomes the mean free path in $J$-space for a rapid random walk, $\left|\Delta J\right|/J_{c}\!=\!\sqrt{\tau/\tau_{sRR}}$, where $\tau_{sRR}\!\sim\! Q\!\ll\!\tau_{NR}$. The coherence of vector RR is self-limited by the change in the orbital orientation due to RR, and is even faster, $\left|\Delta\mathbf{J}\right|/J_{c}\!=\!\sqrt{\tau/\tau_{vRR}}$, where $\tau_{vRR}\!\sim\! Q/\sqrt{N}$. Figure (\ref{f:RR}) shows the rms change in the scalar and vector angular momentum of the stars in the simulation, as a function of the time lag $\tau$ (correlation curves), up to the maximal time lag for which the simulation can still be analyzed with high statistical confidence, $\tau_{\max}\sim10^{4}$. In our simulation% \footnote{For a spectrum of masses, $\tau_{M}\!\sim\! Q/N\left\langle \Ms\right\rangle $ and $\tau_{sRR}\!\sim\!\Mbh/M_{\mathrm{eff}}$, where $\left\langle \Ms\right\rangle \!=\!8.8\, M_{\odot}$ and $M_{\mathrm{eff}}\!=\!\left\langle \Ms^{2}\right\rangle /\left\langle \Ms\right\rangle $. $M_{\mathrm{eff}}\!\simeq\!9.7\, M_{\odot}$ for our simulation.% }, the scalar RR coherence time expected from theory is $\tau_{M}\!\sim\!283$ and the scalar RR timescale is $\tau_{sRR}\!\sim\!3.1\times10^{5}$. The behavior of the scalar correlation curve clearly indicates that RR dominates relaxation in our GC model. The turn from the coherent phase to the random-walk phase of RR is seen at $\tau\!\sim\!300$, close to the predicted value of $\tau_{M}$. The random-walk growth continues up to full randomization and saturation at $\sim\!\tau_{\phi}$, as expected \citep{eil+08}. The scalar RR timescale can be estimated directly from the simulated data by $\tau_{RR}=\tau/(\left|\Delta J\right|/J_{c})^{2}$; substituting $\left|\Delta J\right|/J_{c}\!\sim\!0.15$ at $\tau\!\sim\!\tau_{\phi}/2\!\sim\!5000$ yields $\tau_{sRR}\!\sim\!2.2\times10^{5}$, in good agreement with the predicted value. % \begin{figure}[t] \noindent \begin{centering} \includegraphics[width=1\columnwidth]{rr_autofit_10Mo_SSBH1c} \par\end{centering} \caption{\label{f:RR}The correlation curves $\left|\Delta J\right|/J_{c}$ and $\left|\Delta\mathbf{J}\right|/J_{c}$ as a function of the time lag $\tau$ for all the stars in the simulation. The simulation data (points) are compared to the best fit theoretical curves (lines). Four regimes are seen \citep[see text and also]{eil+08}. At very short timescales, non-resonant two-body relaxation ($\propto\!\sqrt{\tau}$) dominates over RR ($\propto\!\tau$); At $\tau\!<\!\tau_{M}$ the curves display a coherent, linear rise; At $\tau_{M}\!<\!\tau\!<\!\tau_{\phi}$, the curves display a random-walk growth and at $\tau\!>\!\tau_{\phi}$ they begin to saturate. } \end{figure} Furthermore, since $J/J_{c}\!=\!\sqrt{1-e^{2}}$, the RR-driven eccentricity evolution relates the final eccentricity, $e_{f}$, after time lag $\tau$ to the initial eccentricity, $e_{i}$. We therefore expect the eccentricities at some given time lag to have a typical spread, $e^{-}(\tau)\lesssim e_{f}(\tau)\lesssim e^{+}(\tau)$, where \begin{equation} e^{\pm}(\tau)=\left[1-\left(\sqrt{1-e_{i}^{2}}\mp\sqrt{\frac{\tau}{\tau_{RR}}}\right)^{2}\right]^{1/2}.\end{equation} The magnitude of the predicted change in eccentricity agrees well with that observed in the simulations. For example, an S-star initially captured by a tidal exchange event on a $P=500$ yr ($a\!\sim\!0.04$ pc), $e_{i}=0.97$ orbit can evolve by RR to an $e_{f}\!=\!0.80$ orbit in 20 Myr. The short vector RR timescale $\tau_{vRR}\!\sim\!10^{4}$ ($t_{vRR}\!=\!5\times10^{6}$ yr at 0.04 pc) implies full randomization of the orbital planes after 6 Myr, throughout the S-cluster volume, as is observed in the simulation. We therefore conclude that RR is the dominant mechanism responsible for the dynamical evolution of the S-stars and other stars close to the MBH in the GC. \subsection{S-star eccentricities and inclinations} In Figure~\ref{f:eccentricities-cum} we show the final cumulative eccentricity distribution of the S-stars for the different origin models (Table \ref{t:models}). These are compared to the the orbits of the observed S-stars (taken from \citealp{gil+08}). The probabilities for the samples of the observed and simulated S-stars to be randomly chosen from the same distribution (calculated using a two-sample $\chi^{2}$ test) are given in Table \ref{t:models}. We find that the binary disruption model taking place at least $20$ Myr ago is much favored over all other models tested here. We find $93\%$ chance for the observed S-stars and the simulated stars in such model to originate from the same distribution (with the shorter timescale of $6$ Myr consistent only at the $26\%$ level) . In contrast, the disk migration scenarios seem to be excluded (for the given assumptions), since they have major difficulties in explaining the large fraction of eccentric orbits observed for the S-stars in the GC. We find that the inclination distribution of the captured stars, initialized with the same inclination, is rapidly isotropized, to resemble a random distribution of inclinations (consistent with random at the $\sim65\%$ and $\sim20\%$ level, after evolution of $20$ and $6$ Myr, respectively). This is expected from the RR process, as discussed in the previous section (see also fig. \ref{f:RR}). We conclude that the observed isotropic distribution of the S-stars angular momentum direction is consistent with all the S-stars production models studied here, and can not be used to discriminate between them, although it constrains the lifetime of the S-stars system to be at least $\sim4$ Myr at the $95\%$ level, assuming all S-stars were initially put on the same plane. % \begin{figure}[!tbp] \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{eccs_cum_dist} \caption{{\footnotesize Cumulative distribution of observed and simulated S-stars eccentricities, for various models (see legend).}} \label{f:eccentricities-cum} \end{figure} \subsection{Survival of the S-stars: tidal disruption, ejection and hypervelocity stars} As already discussed above, the S-stars can change their orbits due to their dynamical evolution. A star could therefore be scattered very close to the MBH and be disrupted by it, if its pericenter distance from the MBH becomes smaller than the tidal radius of the star $r_{t}=r_{\star}(M_{\bullet}/m_{\star})^{1/3}$. Many of the S-stars could therefore not survive for long close to the MBH. We followed the orbits of stars in our simulations and calculated the fraction of stars that have been disrupted. For the tidal disruption calculations all stars were assumed to have the typical main sequence radius according to their mass. We consider a star as being disrupted if its pericenter became smaller than twice the tidal radius during the simulation (i.e., when it is strongly affected by the MBH tidal forces or even totally disrupted in one pericenter passage). We find that most of the S-stars survived to current times in all the models (see survival fractions in \ref{t:models}). The S-stars population in the GC therefore gives a good representation of all the S-stars formed/captured in this region. The production rate of the S-stars required to explain current observations is therefore only slightly higher ($1.2-1.3$ times higher) than that deduced from current number of S-stars observed. In principle the S-stars could be ejected by strong encounters to orbits with larger semi-major axes, putting them outside the 0.05 pc region near the MBH \citep{mir+00}, or even ejecting them as unbound hypervelocity stars \citep{ole+07}. The softening radius used in our simulation was $r_{soft}=4R_{\odot}$, comparable to the radius of observed S-stars, allowing us to follow even very close encounters. Nevertheless, we find that only $\sim10\%$ of the stars were ejected outside of the central $0.05$ pc, and even those had maximal semi-major axis in the end of the simulation not extending beyond 0.1 pc. We therefore conclude that such ejected S-stars can not explain recent observations of many B-type stars outside the central $0.05$ pc (H Bartko, private communication). Moreover, none of the $3\, M_{\odot}$ stars in our simulations have been ejected as a hypervelocity star, suggesting that ejection of hypervelocity stars through encounters with SBHs is not an efficient mechanism (see also \citealp{per09} for the related constraints on this mechanism). We note that since our simulations can be rescaled, we can probe much higher stellar densities and smaller softening radius (see next section). When such rescaling is used, in which all the 1200 stars are distributed between $3\times10^{-4}$ pc to $0.1$ pc (rescaling the radii by half), we find $5$ stars ejected beyond $0.1$ pc (to have final semi-major axis of $0.1,\,0.16,\,0.16,\,0.21$ and $0.37$ pc), but none ejected as hypervelocity stars or even as slow unbound stars. \section{Dependence of the results on the assumed density of SBHs} As discussed above, the density of the SBHs that are responsible for the evolution in our $N$-body models is not well determined. Scaling the $N$-body results to different assumed values of $N$ is complicated by the fact that scalar resonant relaxation has two regimes, coherent and random walk. In our models, the transition occurs at \begin{equation} t_{M}\simeq QP/N\sim3\times10^{4}\left(\frac{N_{\mathrm{SBH}}}{10^{3}}\right)^{-1}\left(\frac{P}{100\,\mathrm{{\rm \textrm{yr}}}}\right)\,{\rm \textrm{yr}\,},\end{equation} where the $N_{\mathrm{SBH}}^{-1}$ scaling is for scattering by SBHs of a given mass. In the coherent regime, $\Delta t\lesssim t_{M}$, orbital angular momenta grow as \begin{equation} \frac{\Delta J}{J_{c}}\sim10^{-4}\left(\frac{N_{{\rm SBH}}}{10^{3}}\right)^{1/2}\frac{\Delta t}{P}\,.\end{equation} In the diffusive regime, $\Delta t\gtrsim t_{M}$, \begin{equation} \left|\frac{\Delta J}{J_{c}}\right|\sim\sqrt{\frac{\tau}{\tau_{sRR}}}\approx2\times10^{-3}\sqrt{\frac{\Delta t}{P}}\,,\end{equation} independent of $N_{\mathrm{SBH}}$. We are interested in the orbital evolution of the S-stars over timescales of $\Delta t\sim O(10^{7})$ yr. In our simulations and those with larger $N$, $\Delta t\gg t_{M}$. In this large-$N$ regime, changes in eccentricity are dominated by the diffusive relation and are therefore expected to be nearly independent of $N$ for time scales of interest, at least up to $N$-values of $\sim10^{5}$ where the distributed mass begins to approach the mass of the MBH and resonant relaxation is no longer effective. Only for $N_{\mathrm{SBH}}\lesssim10$ does $t_{M}$ approach $10^{7}$ yr and our results start depending significantly on $N_{\mathrm{SBH}}$. However, such a small number of SBHs in the volume of interest is highly unlikely, and therefore our results are robust to the details of the SBH cusp model. The $N$-body simulations can also trivially be rescaled by \begin{equation} r\rightarrow Ar,\ \ \ \ t\rightarrow A^{3/2}t\end{equation} at fixed mass. This corresponds to placing the same number of SBHs into a smaller (larger) region and integrating for a shorter (longer) time. For instance, if we rescale our simulations to three times smaller distances (in which case the stars are distributed between $3\times10^{-4}$ and $0.05$ pc), the integration time becomes $\sim5$ Myr. \section{Summary} The approximately thermal eccentricity distribution of the S-stars near the massive black hole (MBH) in the galactic center (GC), $N(