From staguhn@Newton.ph1.Uni-Koeln.DE Thu Jul 3 04:10:44 1997 Date: Thu, 03 Jul 1997 10:10:40 +0200 From: staguhn@Newton.ph1.Uni-Koeln.DE To: Subject: RE: GCFLASH - Vol. 5, No. 7 (Jul 1, 1997) %manuscript format \documentstyle[12pt,aasms4]{article} %definitions go here \def \deg{$^\circ$ } \def \threePtwoone{\mbox{$^{3}P_{2}\!\rightarrow\!\!^{3}P_{1}$ }} \def \threePonezero{\mbox{$^{3}P_{1}\!\rightarrow\!\!^{3}P_{0}$ }} \def \twCO{\mbox{$^{12}$CO}} \def \thCO{\mbox{$^{13}$CO}} \def \kms{ \mbox{km s$^{-1}$} } \def \Kkms{\mbox{Kkms$^{-1}$}} \def \grad{\mbox{$^{\circ}$}} \def\lsim{\mathrel{\mathop{<}_{\textstyle\sim}\limits}} \def\gsim{\mathrel{\mathop{>}_{\textstyle\sim}\limits}} %title page comment \slugcomment{Submitted to {\it The Astrophysical Journal}, October 1996; Accepted July 1997} %running headline \lefthead{Staguhn et al.} \righthead{[CI] and CO Absorption Toward Galactic Center} \begin{document} \title{Observations of [CI] and CO Absorption in Cold, Low Density Cloud Material Towards the Galactic Center Broad Line Emission} \author{J. Staguhn\altaffilmark{1}, J. Stutzki\altaffilmark{1}, R. A. Chamberlin\altaffilmark{2,3}, S. P. Balm\altaffilmark{4,5}, A. A. Stark\altaffilmark{4}, A. P. Lane\altaffilmark{4}, R. Schieder\altaffilmark{1}, \& G. Winnewisser\altaffilmark{1}} \altaffilmark{1}{Universit\"at zu K\"oln, I. Physikalisches Institut,\ Z\"ulpicher Stra{\ss}e 77, 50937 K\"oln, Germany (staguhn, stutzki, schieder,} \altaffilmark{2}{Astronomy Department, Boston University, 725 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215 (} \altaffilmark{3}{California Institute of Technology, Submillimeter Observatory, 111 Nowelo St., Hilo, HI 96720 (} \altaffilmark{4}{Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 (aas,} \altaffilmark{5}{Department of Physics and Astronomy, 8971 Math Sciences Building, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1562 (} \begin{abstract} We report the detection of a deep \threePonezero [CI] absorption feature at v$_{lsr}$ = 12 km s$^{-1}$ with a linewidth of 6\kms towards extended line emission at a distance of $11'$ from Sgr C. The 492~GHz observations were made with the Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory (AST/RO). The absorption feature allows the derivation of lower limits for the CI column density in the cold foreground material. The feature is unlikely to be caused by self-absorption within the [CI] emitting cloud because it is observed over a region at least $4'$ across and is also seen in emission $22'$ north of the Galactic plane in $^{12}$CO J=2--1. In order to determine the temperature and the abundance ratio of CI to CO in the foreground gas, we compare the observations with $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO J=1--0 observations obtained with the Bell Labs 7~m antenna and with $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO J=2--1 observations made with the KOSMA 3~m telescope. All these observations have about the same beam size. On the assumption that the background emission is not spatially associated with the absorbing cloud(s), a consistent model for the observed line intensities yields an excitation temperature of 3.5~K for $^{13}$CO and 5~K for [CI], implying low volume densities $n({\rm H_2}$) $\lsim$ 10$^3$ cm$^{-3}$. The measured abundance ratio of CI to $^{13}$CO is $\sim 34$. This value is consistent with photochemical model calculations which predict an abundance ratio of CI to $^{12}$CO of $\sim$1 and a $^{12}$CO to $^{13}$CO ratio of $\sim$30 (reduced in comparison to the intrinsic $^{12}$C to $^{13}$C isotopic ratio of 60 by fractionation). %If fractionation is taken into account, so that %$^{12}$CO to $^{13}$CO $\approx$ 30, the %abundance ratio of CI to $^{12}$CO %$\approx$ 1, consistent with photochemical model calculations. The observed $^{13}$CO column density corresponds to an $A_V$ of $4.6^{\rm m}$, i.e., the hydrogen column density $N$(H) is $\sim 9 \times 10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$. This, together with the observed [CI] linewidth, indicates that the absorption is likely due to several translucent clouds. We compare our results with line fluxes derived from the large-scale, low resolution COBE FIRAS spectral line survey of [CI] \threePonezero and [CI] \threePtwoone emission in the galactic plane. Taking into account beam filling, the {\em lower limit} for the column density of cold ($T_{ex} \le 10$~K) CI which is traced by our absorption observations is at least a factor of two higher than the column density of the warmer CI ($T_{ex} \ge 20$~K) detected in emission by COBE. Our results suggest that a substantial fraction of atomic carbon in the interstellar medium may be difficult to detect in [CI] emission, due to its low excitation. \end{abstract} \end{document} ----- End Included Message -----