From Thu Jul 3 12:52:00 1997 From: Gereon Dahmen Date: Thu, 3 Jul 1997 17:50:10 +0100 (BST) To: Subject: C18O Paper II - endlich Cc: X-Status: A \documentstyle{laa} % \topmargin3cm \hyphenation{Ra-dio-astro-no-mie} % \begin{document} % \thesaurus{Interstellar Matter (03.20.9, 04.19.1, 09.13.2., 09.19.1, 10.03.1, 13.19.3)} % \title{Molecular Gas in the Galactic Center Region} \subtitle{II. The Large Scale Structure and Physics based on a C$^{18}$O($J = 1 \to 0$) Survey} % \author{G.~Dahmen\inst{1,3}, S.~H\"uttemeister\inst{2,4,1}, T.L.~Wilson\inst{1}} % \offprints{S.\ H\"uttemeister, Radioastronomisches Institut, Universit\"at Bonn} % \institute{ Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Radioastronomie, Auf dem H\"ugel 69, 53121 Bonn, Germany \and Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. \and Physics Department, Queen Mary \& Westfield College, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, England \and Radioastronomisches Institut, Universit\"at Bonn, Auf dem H\"ugel 71, 53121 Bonn, Germany } % \date{Submitted on 3$^{\rm rd}$ July 1997 to A\&A} % \maketitle \markboth{G.\ Dahmen et al.: Molecular Gas in the Galactic Center Region, II. The Large Scale Structure and Physics~\dots}{ } % \begin{abstract} The large scale structure and physics of molecular gas in the Galactic center region is discussed based on the detailed analysis of a 9\arcmin{} resolution survey of the Galactic center region in the $J = 1 \to 0$ line of C$^{18}$O. Emphasis is placed on the comparison with \mbox{$^{12}$CO(1--0)} data. The line shapes of \mbox{C$^{18}$O(1--0)} and \mbox{$^{12}$CO(1--0)} differ significantly. The ratio of the intensities of the two isotopomers in the Galactic center region is generally higher than the value of $\sim$\,15 expected from the ``Standard Conversion Factor'' (SCF) of $^{12}$CO integrated line intensity to H$_2$ column density. In the 9\arcmin{}-beam, this ratio is in the range from 30 to 200, mostly $\sim$\,60 to 80. From LVG calculations, we estimate that the large scale \mbox{$^{12}$CO(1--0)} emission in the Galactic center region is of moderate ($\tau \grsim 1$) or low optical depth ($\tau < 1$). Higher optical depths ($\tau \ge 10$) are restricted to very limited regions such as Sgr\,B2. In addition, we estimate H$_2$ densities and kinetic temperatures for different ranges of intensity ratios. A considerable amount of molecular mass is in a widespread molecular gas component with low densities and high kinetic temperatures. From our C$^{18}$O measurements and from results based on dust measurements, the total molecular mass is found to be $(3^{+2}_{-1}) \cdot 10^7 \, {\rm M_{\odot}}$. We show that the SCF is {\it not\/} valid toward the Galactic bulge. It overestimates the H$_2$ column density by an order of magnitude because the assumptions required for this factor of optically thick $^{12}$CO emission and virialization of the molecular clouds are not fulfilled for a significant fraction of the molecular gas. Therefore, one can also not apply a modified conversion factor to the Galactic center region since the $^{12}$CO luminosity is not directly related to the H$_2$ mass. A comparison with results from bulge regions of external galaxies indicates that the $^{12}$CO emission is generally not a suitable tracer of H$_2$ masses in the central regions of galaxies. \end{abstract} % \keywords{Radiative transfer --- ISM: molecules, structure --- Galaxy: center --- Galaxies: nuclei --- Radio lines: ISM} % % \end{document} % ----- End Included Message ----- ----- End Included Message -----