New Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars, and candidates. An annex to The VIIth Catalogue of Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars

Karel A. van der Hucht

(1) SRON National Institute for Space Research Sorbonnelaan 2 NL-3584 CA Utrecht the Netherlands

Paper: A&A 458, 453 (2006)


EPrint Server: astro-ph/0609008,


This paper gathers, from the literature and private communication, 72 new Galactic Population I Wolf-Rayet stars and 17 candidate WCLd stars, recognized and/or discovered after the publication of The VIIth Catalogue of Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars. This brings the total number of known Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars to 298, of which 24 (8%) are in open cluster Westerlund 1, and 60 (20%) are in open clusters near the Galactic Center.

Preprints available from the authors at , or the raw TeX (no figures) if you click here.

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