------------------------------------------------------------------------ spin.tex ApJ, 554, L37, 2001 In-Reply-To: Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-Length: 32557 %astro-ph/0105188 \documentstyle[11pt,aasms4,rotating]{article} \def\msun{{\,M_\odot}} \def\lsun{{\,L_\odot}} \def\simlt{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\; \buildrel < \over \sim \;$}} \def\simgt{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\; \buildrel > \over \sim \;$}} \def\um{{\,\mu\rm m}} \def\cm{{\rm\,cm}} \def\km{{\rm\,km}} \def\au{{\rm\,AU}} \def\pc{{\rm\,pc}} \def\kpc{{\rm\,kpc}} \def\mpc{{\rm\,Mpc}} \def\sec{{\rm\,s}} \def\yr{{\rm\,yr}} \def\gm{{\rm\,g}} \def\kms{{\rm\,km\,s^{-1}}} \def\mdot{{\rm\,\msun\,yr^{-1}}} \def\gms{{\rm\,g\,s^{-1}}} \def\gcm3{{\rm\,g\,cm^{-3}}} \def\ncm3{{\rm\,cm^{-3}}} \def\kelvin{{\rm\,K}} \def\erg{{\rm\,erg}} \def\kev{{\rm\,keV}} \def\ev{{\rm\,eV}} \def\hz{{\rm\,Hz}} \def\>{$>$} \def\<{$<$} \def\bsl{$\backslash$} \def\refbook#1{\refindent#1} \def\refindent{\par\noindent\hangindent=3pc\hangafter=1 } \def\aa#1#2#3{\refindent#1, A\&A, {\bf#2}, #3.} \def\aalett#1#2#3{\refindent#1, A\&A {\it (Letters)}, {\bf#2}, #3.} \def\aasup#1#2#3{\refindent#1, A\&AS, #2, #3} \def\aj#1#2#3{\refindent#1, AJ, #2, #3} \def\apj#1#2#3{\refindent#1, {\it ApJ}, {\bf#2}, #3.} \def\apjlett#1#2#3{\refindent#1, {\it ApJ (Letters)}, {\bf #2}, #3.} \def\apjsup#1#2#3{\refindent#1, ApJS, #2, #3} \def\araa#1#2#3{\refindent#1, ARA\&A, #2, #3} \def\baas#1#2#3{\refindent#1, BAAS, #2, #3} \def\icarus#1#2#3{\refindent#1, Icarus, #2, #3} \def\mnras#1#2#3{\refindent#1, {\it MNRAS}, {\bf#2}, #3.} \def\nature#1#2#3{\refindent#1, {\it Nature}, {\bf #2}, #3.} \def\pasj#1#2#3{\refindent#1, PASJ, #2, #3} \def\pasp#1#2#3{\refindent#1, PASP, #2, #3} \def\qjras#1#2#3{\refindent#1, QJRAS, #2, #3} \def\science#1#2#3{\refindent#1, Science, #2, #3} \def\sov#1#2#3{\refindent#1, Soviet Astr., #2, #3} \def\sovlett#1#2#3{\refindent#1, Soviet Astr.\ Lett., #2, #3} \def\refpaper#1#2#3#4{\refindent#1, #2, #3, #4} \lefthead{Melia et al.} \righthead{} \begin{document} \centerline{Submitted to the Editor of the Astrophysical Journal Letters} \vskip 0.5in \title{\bf Measuring the Black Hole Spin in Sgr A*} \author{Fulvio Melia$^{1,2,3}$, Benjamin C. Bromley$^{4}$, Siming Liu\altaffilmark{2}, and Christopher, K. Walker\altaffilmark{3}} \affil{$^2$Physics Department, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721} \affil{$^3$Steward Observatory, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721} \affil{$^4$Department of Physics, University of Utah, 201 JFB, Salt Lake City, UT 84112} \altaffiltext{1}{Sir Thomas Lyle Fellow and Miegunyah Fellow.} \begin{abstract} The polarized mm/sub-mm radiation from Sgr A* is apparently produced by a Keplerian structure whose peak emission occurs within several Schwarzschild radii ($r_S\equiv 2GM/c^2$) of the black hole. The {\it Chandra} X-ray counterpart, if confirmed, is presumably the self-Comptonized component from this region. In this paper, we suggest that sub-mm timing observations could yield a signal corresponding to the period $P_0$ of the marginally stable orbit, and therefore point directly to the black hole's spin $a$. Sgr A*'s mass is now known to be $(2.6\pm 0.2)\times 10^6\,M_\odot$ (an unusually accurate value for supermassive black hole candidates), for which $2.7\;\hbox{\rm min}1,000 r_S$) much larger than $r_{circ}$. However, a small Keplerian structure is implied by the detailed modeling of Sgr A*'s spectrum (from radio to X-rays), which has demonstrated that the sub-mm ``excess'' of emission seen in its spectrum may be associated with radiation produced within this region of circularized flow (Melia, Liu \& Coker 2000, 2001). The sub-mm emission probably represents a transition from optically thick to optically thin emission (Melia 1992, 1994), so that radiation below the peak of the sub-mm bump originates predominantly in front of and behind the black hole, whereas radiation above the peak is produced by (and Doppler boosted within) the orbiting gas to the side of the central object. The implied degree of polarization (about $10\%$) and a rotation in the position angle (by almost $90^\circ$) across the bump are consistent with what has been seen in this source (Aitken et al. 2000). The {\it Chandra} observations are crucial for establishing the viability of this picture because the hot Maxwellian particles producing the cm to sub-mm radiation via thermal synchrotron emission can also self-Comptonize the soft radiation to produce X-rays. These three pieces of circumstantial evidence (the mm/sub-mm bump, its polarization characteristics and the self-Comptonized X-ray component) now suggest the intriguing possibility that we may be on the threshold of actually measuring the spin of the black hole in Sgr A*. Since its mass is known to such high precision, features seen in the power spectrum for the mm/sub-mm emission can directly yield the factors defining the circum-black hole geometry. \section{A Possible Periodicity in Sgr A*'s Millimeter/Sub-Millimeter Spectrum} The structure of the circularized flow within $\sim 5-50\;r_S$ is developed fully in Melia, Liu \& Coker (2000). Central to the modeling of the sub-mm ``excess'' is the supposition that within the Keplerian flow, a magnetohydrodynamic dynamo produces an enhanced (though still sub-equipartition) magnetic field, dominated by its azimuthal component (Hawley, Gammie \& Balbus 1996). Briefly, Melia, Liu \& Coker (2000) infer the following physical state of the gas toward small radii (i.e., within $\sim 5r_S$ or so). The polarization data (particularly those presented by Aitken et al. 2000) appear to restrict the accretion rate to values no larger than about $10^{16}$ g s$^{-1}$, for otherwise the medium would not become transparent at sub-mm wavelengths. In order to account for the sub-mm bump with thermal synchrotron emission, the temperature $T$ (assumed to be the same for the electrons and the protons) should be relativistic. In the best fits, the profile in $T$ shows a steady rise from $\sim 10^{10}$ K at the outer edge of the Keplerian flow to about $10^{11}$ within the last stable orbit. Following the prescription for calculating the magnetic field and the viscosity (e.g., Hawley et al. 1996), Melia, Liu \& Coker (2000) determined the corresponding particle density $n$ and magnetic field intensity $B$ self-consistently. In the best fits to the data, they found that $2\times 10^6\;{\hbox{cm}}^{-3}