New Constraints on the Nature of Radio Emission in Sagittarius A*

Siming Liu(1) and Fulvio Melia1,2,3

(1) Physics Department, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
(2) Steward Observatory, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
(3) Sir Thomas Lyle Fellow and Miegunyah Fellow.

Paper: ApJ Letters, 561, L77, (2001)

EPrint Server: astro-ph/0110563


The mm to sub-mm spectrum of Sgr A* at the Galactic center, as well as its polarization characteristics, are consistent with the inner 10 Schwarzschild radii of a tight Keplerian emitting region of hot, magnetized, orbiting gas. This plasma may also be the source (through self-Comptonization) of the X-rays detected by Chandra. It has long been suspected that the circularization region between the quasi-spherical infall at large radii, and this inner zone, is responsible for producing the rest of Sgr A*'s spectrum. In this paper, we report the results of a detailed study of this region, with several important conclusions that will be highly relevant to upcoming coordinated multi-wavelength observations. First, the combination of existing cm and X-ray data preclude the possibility of producing the observed strong 1.36 GHz radio flux via thermal synchrotron within a bounded flow. If Sgr A*'s radio spectrum is produced by accreting gas, it appears that a non-thermal particle distribution is a necessity. This may not be surprising, given that the energy associated with the radial motion is probably dissipated by shocks before the gas circularizes, which can produce the required power-law distribution. Second, if this is the correct picture for how Sgr A*'s spectrum is produced, it appears that the Chandra-detected X-rays may originate either from self-Comptonization in the inner Keplerian region, or from optically-thin nonthermal synchrotron emission in the much larger, circularization zone, extending up to 500 Schwarzschild radii or more. This is a question that should be answered by upcoming broadband observations, since the mm-bump and X-rays are strongly correlated in the former case, whereas the X-rays are strongly correlated to the cm-radio flux in the latter. In addition, X-rays produced in the circularized gas could show periodic or quasi-periodic variations, but not those produced via nonthermal synchrotron emission much farther out.

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