Discovery of a Non-Thermal Galactic Center Filament (G358.85+0.47) Parallel to the Galactic Plane

Cornelia C. Lang(1,2),K.R. Anantharamaiah(1,3), N.E. Kassim(4), T.J.W. Lazio(4)

(1) National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Box 0, Socorro, NM 87801, email:
(2) Division of Astronomy, 8371 Math Sciences Building, Box 951562, University of California at Los Angeles, LA, CA 90095-1562
(3) Raman Research Institute, Bangalore 560 080, India
(4) Code 7213, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C. 20375-5351

Paper: to appear in ApJ Letters

EPrint Server: astro-ph/9906285


We report the discovery of a new non-thermal filament, G358.85+0.47, the ``Pelican'', located \ab225 pc in projection from SgrA, and oriented parallel to the Galactic plane. VLA continuum observations at \l20 cm reveal that this 7' (17.5 pc) structure bends at its northern extension and is comprised of parallel strands, most apparent at its ends. Observations at \l6 and \l3.6 cm reveal that the Pelican is a synchrotron-emitting source and is strongly linearly polarized over much of its extent. The spectral index of the filament changes from \a_20/6=-0.8 to \a_6/3.6=-1.5. The rotation measures exhibit a smooth gradient, with values ranging from -1000 \radms to +500 \radms. The intrinsic magnetic field is well-aligned along the length of the filament. Based on these properties, we classify the Pelican as one of the non-thermal filaments unique to the Galactic center. Since these filaments (most of which are oriented perpendicular to the Galactic plane) are believed to trace the overall magnetic field in the inner Galaxy, the Pelican is the first detection of a component of this field parallel to the plane. The Pelican may thus mark a transition region of the magnetic field orientation in the inner kiloparsec of the Galaxy.

Preprints available from the authors at clang@zia.aoc.NRAO.EDU , or the raw TeX (no figures) if you click here.

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