======================================================================== G C N E W S * Newsflash * - The Newsletter for Galactic Center Research - gcnews@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/gcnews ======================================================================== Vol. 13, No. 17 Aug 15, 2001 (This newsflash was a little bit delayed due to summer vacation.) Recently submitted papers: -------------------------- 1) X-Ray Observations on the Galactic Center Region (Koyama, proc.) 2) Monte Carlo cluster simulations to determine the rate of compact star inspiraling to a central galactic black hole (Freitag, proc.) 3) X-ray source population of the Galactic center region obtained with ASCA (Sakano et al., proc) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Email : hiro@cr.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp Title : X-Ray Observations on the Galactic Center Region Author(s): Katsuji Koyama Institute: Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University Paper : proc. of New Century of X-ray Astronomy, ASP Conf. EPrint : astro-ph/0108109 Abstract: This paper reports on the early Chandra view of the Galactic center (GC) activities. The massive black hole Sgr A^* is extremely faint, while more bright diffuse X-ray emission is prevailing in the circumnuclear disk. Another high temperature plasma is found in the Sgr A East shell. This may indicate that Sgr A East is a supernova remnant, although no clear X-ray shell is found. A hint of non-thermal X-ray filaments is found, suggesting the presence of an acceleration site of extremely high-energy cosmic rays. The giant molecular cloud Sgr B2 is established to be an X-ray reflection nebula, possibly arising from the past Sgr A activities. Chandra further discovered high temperature shells, suggesting multiple supernova explosions near the GC region. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Email : marc.freitag@obs.unige.ch Title : Monte Carlo cluster simulations to determine the rate of compact star inspiraling to a central galactic black hole Author(s): Marc Freitag^1,2 Institute: ^1 Observatoire de Geneve, CH-1290 Sauverny, Switzerland, ^2 Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet Bern, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland Paper : 3rd LISA conference, Symposium paper appears in "Classical and Quantum Gravity" EPrint : astro-ph/0107193 Abstract: The capture and gradual inspiral of stellar mass objects by a massive black hole at the centre of a galaxy has been proposed as one of the most promising source of gravitational radiation to be detected by LISA. Unfortunately rate estimates for this process suffer from many uncertainties. Here we report on the use of our newly developed Monte Carlo stellar dynamics code to tackle this problem. We present results from simple galactic nuclei models that demonstrate the high potential of our approach and point out the aspects of the problem where an improved treatment seems desirable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Email : mas@star.le.ac.uk Title : X-ray source population of the Galactic center region obtained with ASCA Author(s): Masaaki Sakano(1), Katsuji Koyama(2), Hiroshi Murakami(2), Yoshitomo Maeda(3), Shigeo Yamauchi(4), The ASCA Galactic plane/center survey team Institute: (1) NASDA/SURP, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8505, Japan, sakano@oasis.tksc.nasda.go.jp (2) Kyoto Univ., Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8502, Japan (3) Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA 16802-6305, USA (4) Iwate Univ., Morioka, Iwate, 020-8550, Japan Paper : proc of "New Century of X-ray Astronomy", 6-8 March 2001, Yokohama, Japan EPrint : astro-ph/0107444 Web : http://www-maxi.tksc.nasda.go.jp/%7Esakano/work/paper/index-e .html#Sakano2001asca2001 Abstract: From the ASCA X-ray point-source list in the Galactic center 5* 5 degree^2 region, we found the clear correlation between the position of the sources and the absorption. This fact implies that the major part of the absorption is due to the cold interstellar matter (ISM) in the line of sight. Using the correlation, we estimate the distribution of the cold ISM. We also found that the ratio of high mass binaries to low mass binaries is significantly smaller than that in the whole Galaxy or SMC, which implies that the past starburst activity in the Galactic center region was rather quiet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Older versions of the Newsflash can be found at the gcnews web-page) ======================================================================== Edited by Angela Cotera Heino Falcke & Sera Markoff (cotera@as.arizona.edu) (hfalcke,smarkoff@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For Abstract submission please send the (La)Tex file of your paper to gcnews@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de ========================================================================