======================================================================== G C N E W S * Newsflash * - The Newsletter for Galactic Center Research - gcnews@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/gcnews ======================================================================== Vol. 12, No. 20 Nov 23, 2000 Recently submitted papers: -------------------------- 1) The Initial Mass Function in the Galactic Center (Figer, Conf.) 2) Stellar Collisions and Mergers in the Galactic Center (Figer & Kim, Conf.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Email : figer@stsci.edu Title : The Initial Mass Function in the Galactic Center Author(s): Donald F. Figer Institute: Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore MD 21218 & Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 Paper : STARBURST GALAXIES: NEAR AND FAR conference proceedings EPrint : astro-ph/0011422 Abstract: The Galactic Center contains the most massive young clusters in the Galaxy and serves as the closest example of a massive starburst region. Our recent results suggest that the Galactic Center environment produces massive clusters with relatively flat initial mass functions, as might be expected on theoretical grounds. I will discuss these recent results, along with evidence for star formation in the immediate vicinity of the super massive black hole at the Galactic Center. The results of this work might be useful in extrapolating to other galactic centers with similar conditions, as well as other starburst regions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Email : figer@stsci.edu Title : Stellar Collisions and Mergers in the Galactic Center Author(s): Donald F. Figer(1), Sungsoo S. Kim(2) Institute: (1) Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Dr., Baltimore, MD 21218 & Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218 (2) UCLA, 405 N. Hilgard Ave., LA, CA 90095 Paper : Stellar Mergers and Collisions conference Weblink : http://arXiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0011424 EPrint : astro-ph/0011424 Abstract: Stars are most likely to merge or collide in regions of the highest stellar densities, and our own Galactic Center contains many stars packed into a relatively small volume - even the ambient stellar number density in the central 50 pc is quite high, 10^3 stars pc^-3. More striking, the three compact young clusters in this region have central densities as high as 10^6 stars pc^-3. We discuss these extreme environments and the possibility that stellar mergers and collisions have recently occured there. In particular, we predict that at least one massive star in the Arches cluster has already experienced a stellar merger in its short lifetime. Further, the Pistol Star, in the nearby Quintuplet cluster, might owe its apparent relative youth to a rejuvinating stellar merger. Finally, the apparently young stars in the central arcsecond could be products of either collisions, inducing atmospheric stripping, or mergers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Older versions of the Newsflash can be found at the gcnews web-page) ======================================================================== Edited by Angela Cotera Heino Falcke & Sera Markoff (cotera@as.arizona.edu) (hfalcke,smarkoff@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For Abstract submission please send the (La)Tex file of your paper to gcnews@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de ========================================================================