Abstracts, Galactic Center Workshop '98

A Wide Field Image of the Galactic Center Region at 330 MHz

LaRosa, T.N.1; Kassim, N.E.2; Lazio, J2

1Kennesaw State Univ. 2Naval Research Laboratory

ABSTRACT: We present a wide field (~ 4 X 4 degrees), 330 MHz, VLA image of the galactic center region. All significant sources found on the image have been identified and labeled. The 330 MHz source properties are presented in an extensive table. Where appropriate the source spectral index between 1616 and 330 MHz is determined. In particular the spectral index variation with length along some of the isolated nonthermal filaments has been determined. Implications for the physics of the nonthermal filaments will be discussed.

LINKS: Program, ted@avatar.kennesaw.edu