Abstracts, Galactic Center Workshop '98

Gamma-rays from the Galactic Center: A Point-Like or Diffuse Source?

Markoff, S.; Melia, F.; Sarcevic, I.

Physics Dept., Univ. Arizona

ABSTRACT: Recently, EGRET onboard NASA telescope Compton GRO detected gamma-rays from the Galactic Center (GC). The data can be fit by a power-law of spectral index roughly 1.7, but the nature of the source of these photons is still a matter of debate. While some groups favor the massive black hole candidate Sgr A*, others postulate a diffuse source. The lack of variability in the flux seems to suggest the latter, but recent hydrodynamical simulations of the accretion process indicate that the fluctuations may be below the detection level of the current observations. Until instruments with the capability to resolve the details of this region in the extreme high-energy evolve, we are left to determine the source by identifying the most likely candidates and attempting to model their spectra based on what we know of their physical environments. In this talk I will present the results of our model for Sgr A*. Having completed a detailed treatment of photon production by hadronic collisions and other processes, we can now begin to draw firm conclusions about whether or not the broadband spectrum from this process in an accreting black hole environment is consistent with the data.

LINKS: Program, Author, sera@physics.arizona.edu