Abstracts, Galactic Center Workshop '98

Sgr A East and its interaction with surrounding gas

Zylka, R.1; Güsten, R.2; Philipp, S.2; Ungerechts, H.3

1 ITA, Heidelberg; 2 MPIfR, Bonn; 3 IRAM, Granada

ABSTRACT: We report on results of a recent on-the-fly mapping observations of the molecular gas within a projected distance ~15' from Sgr A*. The gas volume density and column density tracing transitions of CS(2-1), CS(3-2) and 13CO(2-1) were recorded in parallel. The kinematics of the gas and, in particular, the impact of the explosion that created the synchrotron source Sgr A East on the gas distribution will be discussed. The relative location of the features observed in this region will be determined by comparing the mm- and near Infrared data.

LINKS: Program, Author, rzylka@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de