Abstracts, Galactic Center Workshop '98

Wide-field Imaging of the Galactic Center

Kassim, N.E. 1; LaRosa, T.N. 2; Lazio, T.J. 3; Hyman, S. 4

1Naval Research Laboratory 2Kennesaw State University 3Naval Research Laboratory 4Sweetbriar College

ABSTRACT: Long wavelength observations of the Galactic center, with their intrinsically large field of view and and high surface brightness sensitivity, offer unique insights into this complex region. We have reprocessed the early 90 cm VLA observations of the Galactic center with 3D software to compensate for the non-coplanar effects, and the resulting image contains a number of new features which had not been recognized before. We are also engaged in a program to observe the Galactic center with the new 74 MHz VLA system, and the status of those observations will be reviewed.

LINKS: Program, Author, nkassim@shimmer.nrl.navy.mil