Abstracts, Galactic Center Workshop '98

Radio Recombination Lines near lambda = 20 cm from the Sgr A Complex

Anantharamaiah, K.R.1,3; Pedlar, A.2; Goss, W.M.1

1 National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, NM 87801, USA; 2 Nuffield Radio Asronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank, UK; 3 Raman Research Institute, Bangalore 560 080, India;

ABSTRACT: We have observed the H168 alpha recombination line ( nu = 1374.6 MHz) from the Sgri A complex using the C and D configurations of the VLA. The angular resolution is 50"*20", the velocity resoltution is ~21 km s-1 and the velocity coverage is +/-650 km s-1. Relatively strong recombination line emssion is detected from the SgrA-East and the SgrA-West region of the SgrA complex. The line emission is spread over a velocity range of +/- 200 km s-1. Weaker emission is also observed from the halo region surrounding the SgrA-West and SgrA-East components. In this paper we present the results and a discussion of the kinematics of the ionzied gas and the possible association of thermal gas with the halo surrounding the SgrA region.

LINKS: Program, Author, anantha@aoc.nrao.edu