Socorro New Mexico area in 2000

You may click on these small pictures to see the full, more detailed versions. Most viewers put a line around the pictures that are clickable. Updated December 26, 2000.

[Mountain Bluebird]

Mountain Bluebird, Bosque del Apache NWR, December 31, 2000.

[Northern Shrike] [Northern Shrike] [Northern Shrike]

Northern Shrike (immmature), Bosque del Apache NWR, December 17, 2000.

[Rusty Blackbird] [Rusty Blackbird] [Rusty Blackbird] [Rusty Blackbird]

Rusty Blackbirds (2 of them), Bosque del Apache NWR, December 2, 2000.

[Ross' Goose] [Blue Snow Goose]

Ross' and (blue) Snow Goose at the Festival of the Cranes, Bosque del Apache NWR, November 17, 2000.

[Pinon Jay]

Pinon Jay, Water Canyon Campground, September 4, 2000.

[Little blue Heron]

Little Blue Heron, Bosque del Apache NWR, August 6, 2000.

[Rufous Hummingbird] [Calliope Hummingbird] [Calliope Hummingbird] [Broad-tailed Hummingbird]

Rufous, Calliope (2), and Broad-tailed Hummingbirds, Bosque del Apache NWR, July 29 and August 6, 2000.

[Sage Thrasher] [Sage Thrasher] [Cassin's Sparrow]

Sage Thrasher and Cassin's Sparrow (right), Very Large Array rest stop, US 60 west of Socorro, July 4, 2000.

[Pinon Jay] [Pinon Jay] [Pinon Jay]

Pinon Jay, US 60 just east of the Very Large Array, July 4, 2000.

[Burrowing Owl] [Burrowing Owl] [Burrowing Owl] [Burrowing Owl]

[Burrowing Owl] [Burrowing Owl] [Burrowing Owl]

Burrowing Owl, Socorro: Adult with food going into hole May 28, next three adult June 11, young (5 in all) two June 25 and last July 29, 2000.

[Blue Grosbeak] [Blue Grosbeak]

Blue Grosbeak, Bosque del Apache NWR, June 10, 2000.

[Black Tern] [Common Moorhen]

Left: Black Tern, May 28, 2000; Right: Common Moorhen, June 11, 2000 Bosque del Apache NWR.

[Grey Vireo] [Grey Vireo]

Grey Vireo, The Box, just west of Socorro, May 20, 2000.

[Virginia's Warbler] [Virginia's Warbler]

Virginia's Warbler, Water Canyon west of Socorro, April 30, 2000.

[Great horned Owl] [Hammonds Flycatcher]

Great horned Owl on nest and Hammonds Flycatcher in migration (way out of habitat), Bosque del Apache NWR, April 15, 2000.

Eric W. Greisen