Mexico (San Blas) photos: 2008
Click on the small picture to see a larger, more detailed version. I
toured Mexico (Puerto Vallarta, San Blas) in February, 2008. The
weather was lovely and most of the photos turned out well. Most of
the photos were taken with a Canon camera with 300mm zoom lens, but I
also use a Nikon point-and-shoot for both scenery and digiscoping.
All modes are represented below. The trip was very enjoyable and was
led by Jan Hansen (dba Otus Asio Tours
). He leads a variety of
trips, all of which I would recommend.
For pictures from the 2005 San Blas trip click here. For pictures from the 2006 San
Blas trip click here.
We begin with pictures taken within walking distance of the Puerto
Vallarta hotel (Puerto de Luna Suites). These were taken mostly on my
own, without Jan or the rest of the group.
Iguanas on the fence at the Puerto Vallarta hotel and Jan's older
daughter Katie,
February 14 (left) and 15, 2008.
Rufous-backed Robin, Elegant Quail, and Hooded Oriole,
Puerta Vallarta hotel, February 13 (left) and 14, 2008.
Great Kiskadee, Social Flycatcher, Zone-tailed Hawk, Blue-grey Tanager
Puerta Vallarta hotel, February 13 (left, center) and
15, 2008.
White-crowned Seedeater femaile, Painted Bunting male, Pacific-slope
along river near Puerta Vallarta hotel, February 14,
Bell's Vireo, Streak-backed Oriole male, Yellow-breasted Chat,
river near Puerta Vallarta hotel, February 15, 2008.
Mexican Parrotlet, along river near Puerta Vallarta hotel, February
15, 2008.
Puerto Vallarta from beach, Little-blue Heron, Reddish Egret,
where river meets ocean near Puerta Vallarta hotel, February 14 and 24
(right), 2008.
Laughing Gull, Heerman's Gull, Caspian Tern,
where river meets ocean
near Puerta Vallarta hotel, February 14 (left) and 24, 2008.
The first morning of the tour, we traveled south of Puerto
Vallarta along the coast and walked in a small, birdy village.
Unfortunately, my camera was set incorrectly most of that morning.
Some of the pictures came out anyway.
San Blas Jay found along the road and Orange-fronted Parakeet at the
south of Puerta Vallarta, February 16, 2008.
Yellow-winged Cacique, Stipe-headed Sparrow, Lincoln's Sparrow,
village south of Puerta Vallarta, February 16, 2008.
Then we traveled to San Blas where we birded from the afternoon of
the 16th through the morning of the 23rd. After the 16th, my camera
was correctly set and the weather was wonderful.
Jan's younger daughter Amy in San Blas and on Paso Island, February 16
and 17; old sign for our hotel
and Yellow-winged Cacique
walking to the boat for Paso Island, San Blas, February 17, 2008.
Peso Island from San Blas, Blue-footed Booby and Brown Pelican from
Peso Island beach,
Willet and American Oystercatcher on beach,
Peso Island, February 17, 2008.
Thick-billed Kingbird, Brown-capped Flycatcher, Tropical Parula,
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker,
on Peso Island, February 17, 2008.
Ferruginous Owl and Grey Hawk on Peso Island, February 17, 2008.
Groove-billed Ani and Tropical Kingbird, San Blas, February 17, 2008.
Linneated Woodpecker and Blue-grey Gnatcatcher, San Blas ponds,
February 17, 2008.
Black-necked Stilt, Northern Jacana (adult, juvenile), Green
Kingfisher, San Blas ponds, February 17, 2008.
Pale-billed Woodpecker and Ivory-billed Woodcreeper, La Bajada,
February 18 and 22 (far right), 2008.
Citreoline and Elegant Trogan, Squirrel Cuckoo, February 18,
Jan Hansen and baby skunk, February 22, La Bajada, 2008.
Green Kingfisher, crossroads ponds, and Brown Pelican, afternoon river
trip, February 18, 2008.
Whimbrel and Yellow-crowned Night Heron, afternoon river trip,
February 18, 2008.
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron, White-fronted Parrot, Common Black-Hawk,
Northern Potoo,
afternoon river trip, February 18, 2008.
Yellow-winged Cacique and Sinaloa Crow, Mecatan Road, February 19,
Lucy's Warbler, Wilson's Warbler, Green Kingfisher, Short-tailed Hawk,
Singayta, February 19, 2008.
Russet-crowned Motmot, Singayta, February 19 (left 2) and 23, 2008.
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron and Citreoline Trogan, February 19;
Rufous-bellied Chachalaca and Red-billed Pigeon, February 23,
Elegant Quail, Gila Woodpecker, Linneated Woodpecker,
Singayta, February 23, 2008
Plumbeous Vireo and Sinaloa Wren, Singayta, February 23, 2008
San Blas square with church, market stalls, February 19, 2008
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Laughing Falcon,
Cocodrilario Road, February 19, 2008
Northern Shoveler, Black-necked Stilt, American Avocet, and a murder
of Sinaloa Crows,
Crossroads ponds, San Blas, February 19, 2008
Citreoline Trogan, Masked Tityra, Pale-billed Woodpecker, near
Tecuitata, February 20, 2008
Grey-crowned Woodpecker and Black-throated Magpie-Jay, near
Tecuitata, February 20, 2008
Crane Hawk and Great Black Hawk, near Tecuitata, February 20, 2008
Orange-fronted Parakeet (left) and Lilac-crowned Parrot, near
Tecuitata, February 20, 2008
Magnificent Frigatebird, Brown Pelican, Heerman's Gull,
Pacific Ocean, near San Blas, February 20, 2008
San Blas from "fort" overlooking city, February 20, 2008
Black-necked Stilt, Grey Hawk, Anhinga, Collared Forest-Falcon,
road to Chacalilla, San Blas, February 20, 2008
Rufous-capped Warbler and Varied Bunting, mountains outside of Tepic,
February 21, 2008
Rusty-capped Sparrow, MacGilivray's Warbler, Collared Forest-Falcon,
Gray Silky (Flycatcher),
mountains outside of Tepic, February 21, 2008
Squirrel, Spotted Wren, and Blue Mockingbird,
mountains outside of Tepic, February 21, 2008
Painted Redstart, White-eared Hummingbird, Grey-crowned Woodpecker,
and Acorn Woodpecker,
mountains outside of Tepic, February 21, 2008
Black-headed Siskin, Green Jay, Flame-colored Tanager,
mountains outside of Tepic, February 21, 2008
Military Macaw and scenery at Mirador del Aguila, February 21, 2008
Scenes on the river including our boatman Chencho, San Cristobal River,
February 22, 2008
Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Green Heron, Black-crowned Night Heron,
San Cristobal River, February 22, 2008
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron and Boat-billed Heron,
San Cristobal River, February 22, 2008
White Ibis and Limpkin,
San Cristobal River, February 22, 2008
Common Black Hawk, Osprey, Crested Caracara, Great Black Hawk,
San Cristobal River, February 22, 2008
Snail Kite,
San Cristobal River, February 22, 2008
Anhinga, Common Moorhen, and large crocodiles,
San Cristobal River, February 22, 2008
Green Kingfisher, Jan, Least Sandpiper, Northern Jacana, Black-bellied
Whistling Ducks,
San Cristobal River, February 22, 2008
Roseate Spoonbill and Muscovy Duck,
San Cristobal River, February 22, 2008
Black-necked Stilt, Great Egret, White-tailed Kite, road to
American Redstart, hotel, San Blas, February 23, 2008
Jan with Lowell, Francisco our driver with Kurt, the group,
hotel living quarters, hotel dining/office building,
Garza de Canela, San Blas, February 23, 2008