Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico: April 2012
Click on the small picture to see a larger, more detailed version. I
toured Oaxaca and Chiapas Mexico in April 2012. Most of the photos
were taken with a Canon SLR camera (T3i, 18 Mpixels) with a 100-400mm
zoom lens, but I also use a Canon T1i (15 Mpixels) with an 18-100 zoom
lens for scenery pictures. Compared to the last trip in Africa,
photography was much more difficult. The birds and especially mammals
were less numerous and were found in forests rather than out in the
open. Nonetheless, there are a few very good pictures and the birds,
scenery, and cultural aspects of the trip were very interesting.
I also visited Oaxaca in 2008.
The larger pictures are in many cases larger than can be seen
on the usual computer screen. Some viewers (e.g., Firefox) will show
the picture sized to fit the screen and offer a button to display at
the full resolution. When so displayed, scroll bars or other means
are needed to roam around the picture. Note that I have cropped
almost all pictures displayed here - this new camera has a lot of
The trip was very enjoyable and was led by Jan Hansen (dba Otus Asio Tours otusasiotours@bellsouth.net
Oaxaca central valley
Balloon seller, political ad, Cathedral, on the Zocalo;
scene outside the market, alebrijes, Oaxaca City, April 12, 2012
Rufous-capped Warbler, Canyon Wren, Rock Wren, main courtyard,
"danzantes", Monte Alban;
Thick-billed Kingbird, "Garbage Gulch", near Oaxaca City, April 13,
Black-vented Oriole, Bridled Sparrow, Grey Silky, Slate-throated
Reservoir and hills above Teotitlan del Valle, April 14, 2012
Boucard's Wren, White-throated Towhee, Pileated Flycatcher,
Ash-throated Flycatcher,
at Yagul; Oaxaca Sparrow at micro-towers near Matatlan;
April 16, 2012
Coastal Oaxaca
Orange-breasted Bunting at Totalapan; Cinnamon-tailed Sparrow,
Stripe-headed Sparrow,
Altimira Oriole at Tehuantepec Thorn Forest, April 16 and 17, 2012
Reddish Egret, Semipalmated Plover, Wilson's Plover,
La Ventosa Lagoon, April 17, 2012
Red-billed Pigeon, Great Kiskadee, Giant Wren, Boca del Cielo, April
18, 2012
Iguana, Inca Dove, Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl at Boca del Cielo;
Rose-breasted Bunting at La Sepultara, April 18, 2012
Cicada, Golden-hooded Tanager, Black-cowled Oriole, Gartered
Northern Bentbill, El Ecote, April 19, 2012
Red-breasted Chat, Northern Beardless Tyranulet on Chicoasen Road;
Plain Chachalaca, Great Currasow (female), Creasted Guan,
wild at Tuxtla Gutierrez Zoo, April 20, 2012
Rufous-collared Sparrow,
Huitepec Reserve near San Cristobal de las
Casas, April 21, 2012