Jamaica photos: February 2014
Click on the small picture to see a larger, more detailed version. I
toured Jamaica in February 2014. It was a great trip in which we saw
all of the endemic species. Most of the photos were taken with a
Canon T3i camera with 100-400mm zoom lens, but I also use a Canon T1i
with a 18-130mm lens for scenery. The rain was less bothersome on
this trip, so I managed a reasonable number of pictures. I also toured
Jamaica in December 2011, a trip more
bothered by rain. Both trips were very enjoyable and were led by Jan
Hansen (dba Otus Asio
). He leads a variety of
trips, all of which I would recommend.
Montego Bay area
Jamaican Woodpecker, Vervain Hummingbird, near Montego Bay, February
13, 2014.
Northern Waterthrush, Loggerhead Kingbird, Northern Mockingbird,
White-chinned Thrush,
White-crowned Pigeon, Syrinity Palace, Montego Bay, February 14, 2014.
Tiger Longwing, Vervain Hummingbird at Syrinity Palace;
Magnificent Frigatebird, Palm Warbler, American Redstart at Agua Sol,
Montego Bay, February 14, 2014.
Greater Yellowlegs, Lesser Yellowlegs, Black-necked Stilt, Snowy
and Royal Tern at Sewage Ponds; Syrinity Palace,
Montego Bay, February 14, 2014.
Carribean Coot at Sewage Ponds, Montego Bay;
Jamaican Mango, Orangequit (male, female), Yellow-faced Grassquit
(male, female)
at Rocklands Birds Sanctuary
February 15, 2014.
Streamertail, Black-faced Grassquit, Common Ground-Dove, Jamaican
Carribean Dove, at Rocklands Birds Sanctuary
February 15, 2014.
Eastern Jamaica
Whimbrel, Reddish Egret, Roseate Tern, Sandwich and Royal Tern with
Least Sandpiper,
beach and ponds near Upper Black River, February 15, 2014.
Antillean Grackle, Masked Duck, West Indian Whistling Duck, Osprey,
Upper Black River Morass, February 15, 2014.
Olive-throated Parakeet, Jamaican Pewee, Jamaican Crow, Yellow-billed
Jamaican Lizard Cuckoo, Burnt Hill, February 16, 2014.
Sad Flycatcher, Jamaican Tody, Merlin at Burnt Hill;
Black-throated Blue Warbler, Streamertail, main house at
Marshall's Pen, February 16, 2014.
Jamaican Becard, Rufous-tailed Flycatcher, Ricardo Miller (our local
Northern Potoo, Olive-throated Parakeet, American Kestral,
Ann Sutton & Jan Hansen,
Marshall's Pen, February 17, 2014.
Central Jamaica
Stolid Flycatcher, Bahama Mockingbird, Portland Ridge,
February 17, 2014.
Black-billed Parrot, Yellow-billed Parrot, Cape May Warbler,
Hope Gardens, Kingston, February 17, 2014.
Ring-tailed Pigeon, Blue Mountain Vireo, Jamaican Blackbird,
Ovenbird. Blue Mountains, February 18, 2014.
Montego Bay area
Wexford Hotel, Yellow-throated Warbler, Prairie Warbler, Loggerhead
Montego Bay, February 20, 2014.
Zenaida Dove, Palm Warbler, Bananaquit, Yellow-faced Grassquit,
Smooth-billed Ani, Aqua Sol park, Montego Bay, February 20, 2014.