England photos
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Green Woodpecker and Eurasian Robin, Pagham Harbour near Chichester,
England October 8, 2005.
Great Spotted Woodpecker, Gray Heron, Little Ringed Plover, and
Lapwing, near Chichester, England October 8, 2005.
Carrion Crow, Wood Pigeon, Eurasion Coot, Great crested Grebe, and
Pied Wagtail, field along Thames River, Oxford, England October 9,
Greenfinch and White-fronted Goose, Oxford University, England
October 9, 2005.
Blackbird, Carrion Crow (with odd white markings), Eurasian Wigeon,
Black-headed Gull, and European Goldfinch, Oxford University Gardens,
England October 15, 2005.
Wood Pigeon, Song Thrush, and Gray Heron, Oxford University Gardens,
and Common Magpie, St. John's College, Oxford, England October 16,
New College, view from New College gardens, New College church
Oxford University, England, October 9, 2005.
Radcliffe Camera and view from Christ Church College Meadow, October
9, 2005 and St. Giles Church and Dodo at Natural History Museum,
October 11, 2005, Oxford University, England
Gargoyles of Oxford: 2 in New College and 2 in Magdallen College,
Oxford University, England, October 9, 2005.
Gargoyles of Oxford: 4 in St. John's College, Oxford University,
England, October 16, 2005.