Souhern California photos
Click on the small picture to see a larger, more detailed version. I
toured the Southern California area on a trip led by Jan Hansen (dba
Otus Asio Tours
). Jan leads a variety of
trips, all of which I would recommend. The pictures below are in time
order. I apologize for the quality of some of them. The time
constaints of a relatively short, group tour reduce the opportunities
for photography.
I toured on my own for a couple of days in Newport Beach and San
Diego in October 2004. I revisited some of the locations from this
tour and obtained some more photos which may
be of interest.
The group: Mary, Alice twice, Bonnie, Gerry, Jerry, Jim, Jan. I had
no pictures of Arthur or me.
Surfbird (left) and Spotted Dove, Marina del Rey, September 15, 2000.
California Gnatcatcher, Forestal Canyon, Palos Verdes, September 16,
Red-necked Phalarope (left, center top), Wilson's Phalarope (center
bottom) at Bolsa Chica; Long-billed Curlew at Upper Newport Bay,
September 16, 2000.
Belle's Sage Sparrow (left) and California Thrasher, Lake Hodges, San
Dieguito State Park, September 17, 2000.
Yellow-footed Gull, Poe Road, Salton Sea, September 17, 2000.
Burrowing Owl (left), Calipatria, September 17; Wood Stork, Salton
Sea, September 18, 2000.
Anna's Hummingbird (left), Western Scrub Jay (coastal form), Big
Morengo, September 18, 2000.
Left to right: Canyon Wren, Rock Wren, Pinon Jay, Desert Tortoise,
Joshua Tree National Park, September 19, 2000.
Pygmy Nuthatch (left), Mountain Quail, Idyllwild, September 20 and 21,
Elegant Tern (left) at Ventura Harbor; Island Scrub Jay (center) and
California Quail (right) on Santa Cruz Island, September 22, 2000.
Yellow-billed Magpie in Santa Ynez Valley, September 23, 2000.
Lark Sparrow (left) and Nuttal's Woodpecker in Santa Ynez Valley,
September 23, 2000.
California Towhee (left) at Big Sycamore CG and Heerman's Gull and
Rock Dove (right) at Point Mugu, September 23, 2000.