Alaska: Nome
Click on the small picture to see a larger, more detailed version. I
toured Alaska, visiting Anchorage, St. Lawrence Island (Gambell),
Seward, St. Paul Island, Nome, and the Denali area. The trip was led
by Jan Hansen (dba Otus Asio Tours
He leads a variety of trips, all of which I would recommend. On this
trip, the co-leader was John O'Donnell who has led a number of trips
for the Sierra Club.
This page is devoted to photos from the Nome area June 2 through
5, 2002.
Nome - scenery and non-avian wildlife
Safety Sound June 3 and abandoned gold mining operation June 4, 2002.
Two sets of Grizzley bears, each a mother and three yearlings, June 3
(left and center) and June 4 (right), 2002.
Musk Ox, 2 separate sightings June 5, 2002.
Caribou, June 5, 2002.
Reindeer June 5, 2002.
Nome: birds
Pacific Loon, June 4, 2002.
Long tailed Duck, female June 2 (left) and male June 5 (right), 2002.
Common Eider, June 2 and 5 and Tundra Swan (right), June 4, 2002.
Arctic Tern, June 2 and 4 (right), 2002.
Aleutian Tern, June 4, 2002.
Ivory and Glaucous Gulls, June 4, 2002.
Sabine's Gull, June 2, 2002.
Parasitic Jaeger, June 2, 2002.
Red Phalarope, June 2 and June 4 (group), 2002.
Sanderling (left) and Dunlin (right), June 3, 2002.
Pacific Golden Plover (left two) June 2 and American Golden Plover
(right three) June 4, 2002.
Willow Ptarmigan, June 2 and 4 (right), 2002.
Rock Ptarmigan, June 3 and 4 (right), 2002.
Wilson's Snipe (left) June 3, Fox Sparrow (center) June 2, and
Northern Waterthrush (right) June 3, 2002.
Lapland Longspur male, June 2, 2002.
Common Redpoll, June 2 and 3 (right), 2002.
Hoary Redpoll, June 3, 2002.