Alaska: Pre-trip
Click on the small picture to see a larger, more detailed version. I
toured Alaska, visiting Anchorage, St. Lawrence Island (Gambell),
Seward, St. Paul Island, Nome, and the Denali area. The pre-trip
portion was led by John O'Donnell. It devoted the first day to the
Anchorage area and May 19-24, 2002 to Gambell on St. Lawrence Island.
Anchorage area
Red-throated Loon, Spennard Lake (behind the hotel), May 18, 2002.
Three-toed Woodpecker (female), Hillside Park, May 18, 2002;
Barrow's (left) and Common Goldeneye, Spennard Lake, May 25, 2002.
Red-necked Grebe, Sullivan Park, May 18, 2002.
Gambell: St Lawrence Island - scenery,
Gambell: Post Office and homes, cliff to North-east May 20, 2002;
our group dressed for the ocasion, May 21, 2002.
Gambell, drying polar bear skins with modern life, old whale bones,
traditional whale boats, May 20 and 23, 2002.
Gambell, pack ice breaking up, May 20, 2002.
Gambell expedition at dawn, May 24, 2002.
Gray Whales, Berring Sea off Gambell, May 21 and 23, 2002.
Pack ice moving out with Russia beyond, May 21, 2002.
Gambell: St Lawrence Island - some of the
Common Eider (male) flies by, with pack ice and Russia beyond, May 21,
Black-legged Kittiwake, May 20, 2002; Glaucous Gulls (adult) May 21
and 23, 2002 at Gambell Point.
Black Guillemot May 21, 2002 and Stellar's Eider (male) May 19, 2002,
Gambell waterfront.
Lapland Longspur (female) May 23, 2002 among the houses; Least Auklet
May 24, 2002 on the rocks at the cliff.
Rock Sandpiper, May 21, 2002 Old Boneyards and May 23, 2002 marsh.
Least and Western Sandpipers, May 22, 2002; Dunlin, May 23, 2002,
Red-necked Phalarope, May 21 and 22, 2002, marsh.
Pacific Golden Plover May 22, 2002 and Semipalmated Plover May 23,
2002, marsh.
Snow Bunting, May 22, 2002 cliffs and May 21, 2002, marsh.
Sandhill Crane, May 20, 2002 over the marsh.
Emperor Geese and Tundra Swan, May 22, 2002, marsh.