VITA Name: Eric W. Greisen Date/place of birth: April 14, 1944, Los Alamos, New Mexico Education: A.B., Physics, 1966, Cornell University Ph.D., Astronomy, 1973, California Institute of Technology Employment: 09/72 - 06/74 Research Associate, NRAO 07/74 - 06/76 Assistant Scientist, NRAO 07/76 - 08/76 Associate Scientist, NRAO 08/76 - 06/88 Associate Staff Scientist, NRAO 07/88 - present Scientist with Continuing Appointment, NRAO Fellowships, New York State Scholar Incentive (1962-1966) Honors, etc. Phi Eta Sigma (1963) Phi Beta Kappa (1965) Kerr Prize for Academic Excellence (1966) A.B. Degree: ``Summa Cum Laude in Physics with Distinction in all Subjects'' Woodrow Wilson Fellowship (Honorary) National Science Foundation Fellowship (1966-71) Distinguished Performance Award (12/2001 AIPS) Distinguished Performance Award (12/2001 NVSS) George Van Biesbroeck Prize of AAS (1/2005, presented 1/2006) Bibliography: Eric W. Greisen "High Resolution Interferometry of Venus at 3.12-cm Wavelength", 1969, Ap.J., 156, 1125 (with G. L. Berge). "Aperture Synthesis of Interstellar Hydrogen in Absorption. I. The Perseus Arm Feature of Cassiopeia A", 1973, Ap. J., 184, 363. "Aperture Synthesis of Interstellar Hydrogen in Absorption. II. Cygnus A, the Crab Nebula, and Other Sources", 1973, Ap. J., 184, 379. "The Small Scale Structure of Interstellar Hydrogen", 1976, Ap. J., 203, 371. "Small Scale Structure in High Velocity Clouds", 1976, Ap. J. (Letters), 203, L119 (with T. Cram). "VLBI Aperture Synthesis Observations of H2O Masers in HII Regions", 1976, BAAS, 8, 563, (with R. C. Walker and numerous others). "HI Absorption Spectra toward HII Regions", 1977, BAAS, 9, 615 (with F. J. Lockman) "VLBI Aperture Synthesis Observations of H2O Masers Associated with Molecular Clouds", 1978, Ap. J., 226, 95, (with R. C. Walker and numerous others). "The Kinematics and Distribution of Cool HI Clouds Towards Three HII Regions", 1979, Ap. J., 228, 740 (with F. J. Lockman). "The Evolution of Radio Emission from Cas A", 1979, Astr. and Ap., 75, 44 (with John R. Dickel). "VLA Observations of Head-Tail Radio Sources", 1979, Ap. J. (Letters), 229, L59 (with F. N. Owen, J. O. Burns, and L. Rudnick). "FITS: A Flexible Image Transport System", 1979, eds. R. Albrecht and M. Capaccioli, IAU Working Group on Astronomical Image Processing, Circular No. 4 (Institut fur Astronomie, Vienna, Austria) (with Donald C. Wells). "FITS: A Flexible Image Transport System", 1979, eds. G. Sedmak, M. Capaccioli, and R. J. Allen, International Workshop on Image Processing in Astronomy (Trieste: Osservatorio Astronomico) (with Donald C. Wells). "The FITS Tape Formats - Flexible Image Transport Systems", 1980, SPIE, 264, 298 (with D. C. Wells, R. H. Harten) "FITS: A Flexible Image Transport System", 1981, Astr. and Ap. Suppl., 44, 363 (with Donald C. Wells and R. H. Harten). "An Extension of FITS for Groups of Small Arrays of Data", 1981, Astr. and Ap. Suppl., 44, 371 (with R. H. Harten). "The FITS Tape Formats: Flexible Image Transport Systems", 1981, SPIE Proc., 264, 298 (with Donald C. Wells and R. H. Harten). "VLA Synthesis of Galactic HI Absorption toward 3C123", 1982, Ap. J., 261, 102 (with H. S. Liszt and J. M. Dickey). "An Overview of the NRAO-AIPS Image Processing System", 1982, paper given at URSI meeting January 14, 1982, Boulder, Colorado. "A Detailed X-ray and Radio Comparison of Kepler's Supernova Remnant", 1984, Ap. J., 287, 295 (with Y. Matsui, K. S. Long, and J. R. Dickel). "Radio Observations of HI and OH in the Center of the Galaxy M82", 1984, Astr. and Ap., 137, 355 (with L. N. Weliachew and E. B. Fomalont). "Generalized FITS Extensions, with Application to Tables", 1984, eds. R. Albrecht and M. Capaccioli, IAU Working Group on Astronomical Image Processing, Circular No. 10 (Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD) (with R. H. Harten, P. Grosbol, K. P. Tritton, and Donald C. Wells). "Non-Linear Coordinate Systems in AIPS", 1984, eds. R. Albrecht and M. Capaccioli, IAU Working Group on Astronomical Image Processing, Circular No. 10 (Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD). "Generalized FITS Extensions, with application to Tables", 1985, Mem. S. A. It., 56, 437 (with R. H. Harten, P. Grosbol, K. P. Tritton, and Donald C. Wells). "Small-Scale Structure of Interstellar H I Clouds", 1986, Ap. J., 303, 702 (with H. S. Liszt). "Generalized Extensions and Blocking Factors for FITS", 1988, Astr. and Ap. Suppl., 73, 359, (with Preben Grosbol, Ronald H. Harten, and Donald C. Wells). "The FITS Tables Extension", 1988, Astr. and Ap. Suppl., 73, 365, (with Ronald H. Harten, Preben Grosbol, and Donald C. Wells). "The Astronomical Image Processing System", 1988, paper presented at the summer school on 'Acquisition, Handling, and, Analysis of Two-Dimensional Images', Seminario OAC-Formez per Giovani Ricercatori, September 12-24, 1988, Capri, Italy. "Introduction to FITS", 1988, paper presented at the summer school on 'Acquisition, Handling, and, Analysis of Two-Dimensional Images', Seminario OAC-Formez per Giovani Ricercatori, September 12-24, 1988, Capri, Italy. "Image Formation by Radio Interferometers", 1988, paper presented at the summer school on 'Acquisition, Handling, and, Analysis of Two-Dimensional Images', Seminario OAC-Formez per Giovani Ricercatori, September 12-24, 1988, Capri, Italy. Above three lectures published in: "Acquisition, Processing and Archiving of Astronomical Images", 1990, eds. G. Longo and G. Sedmak, (Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte and Centro di Formazione e studi per il Mezzogiorno), Naples, Italy. "The Astronomical Image Processing System and Image Visualization at the ATNF", 1991, 25-26 March, poster paper and demonstration presented at the "CSIRO Imaging Symposium", CSIRO Division of Mathematics and Statistics, Sydney, Australia, (with M. Calabretta). "An Australia Telescope HI absorption survey of the Magellanic Clouds and Stream", 1991, Astr. and Ap., 251, L1, (with U. Mebold, W. Wildon, R. F. Haynes, U. Herbstmeier, P. M. W. Kalberla). "The Halo of the Magallanic Clouds amd the Magellanic Stream - HI absorption line studies", 1993, Astr. Gesellschaft Ab, 9, 27M, (wuth U Mebold et al.) "Representations of Celestial Coordinates in FITS", 1993, paper and poster presented at the 182nd AAS meeting, Berkeley, California, B.A.A.S., 25, No. 2, 808, (with Mark Calabretta). "VLA Synthesis of HI Absorption Toward W43 (G30.8+0.0)", 1993, A.J., 106, 2349, (with Harvey S. Liszt, Robert Braun). "The NRAO VLA Sky Survey", 1993, AAS meeting 183, #64.02 (with J. J. Condon, W. D. Cotton, and others). "The NRAO VLA Sky Survey", 1994, Astronomical Data Analysis and Systems III, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 61, eds. Crabtree, D. R., Hanisch, R. J., Barnes, J. (San Francisco, ASP), p 155 (with J. J. Condon, W. D. Cotton, and others). "Representations of Celestial Coordinates in FITS", 1995, Astronomical Data Analysis and Systems IV, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, eds. Shaw, R. A., Payne, H. E., & Hayes, J. J. E. (San Francisco, ASP) p 233 (with Mark Calabretta). "AIPS Developments in the Nineties", 1996, Astronomical Data Analysis and Systems V, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 101, eds.Jacoby, G. H. & Barnes, J., (San Francisco, ASP) p 37 (with Gustaaf van Moorsel and Athol Kemball). "The NRAO VLA Sky Survey", 1996, NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library, p 1 (with J. J. Condon, W. D. Cotton, and others). "The NRAO VLA Sky Survey", 1998, A. J., 115, 1693 (with J. J. Condon, W. D. Cotton, and others). "Recent Developments in Experimental AIPS", 1998, Astronomical Data Analysis and Systems VII, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 145, eds.Albrecht, R., Hook, R.N., & Bushouse, H. A. (San Francisco, ASP) p 37. "Representations of World Coordinates in FITS", 2000, Astronomical Data Analysis and Systems IX, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 216, eds.Manset, N., Veillet, C., Crabtree, D.. (San Francisco, ASP) p 571 (with Mark Calabretta). "Data Acquisition by Switching", 2000, Astronomical Data Analysis and Systems IX, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 216, eds. Manset, N., Veillet, C., Crabtree, D.. (San Francisco, ASP) p 514. "The On-The-Fly Imaging Technique", 2000, Imaging at Radio through Submillimeter Wavelengths, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 217, eds.Mangum, J.G., Radford, S.J.E... (San Francisco, ASP) p 179 (with J. Mangum and D. Emerson). "Definition of the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)", 2001, A&A 376, 359, authors: Hanisch, R. J., Farris, A., Greisen, E. W., Pence, W. D., Schlesinger, B..M., Teuben, P. J., Thompson, R. W., and Warnock, A. III; DOI 10.1051/0004-6361:20010923. "Gaussian Fitting in the Presence of Correlated Noise", 2002, Astronomical Data Analysis and Systems XI, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 281, eds. Bohlender, D. A., Durand, D., and Handley, T. H. (San Francisco, ASP) p 260. "Representations of world coordinates in FITS", 2002, A&A, 395, 1061 (with Mark R. Calabretta). "Representations of celestial coordinates in FITS", 2002, A&A, 395, 1077 (with Mark R. Calabretta). "Wide-field imaging in Classic AIPS", 2002, presented at XXVII General Assembly of URSI, Maastricht, The Netherlands - invited paper. "FITS: A Remarkable Achievement in Information Exchange" 2003, in Information Handling in Astronomy -- Historical Vistas, Heck, A. ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, ISBN 1-4040-1178-4, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 285, 71. "AIPS, the VLA, and the VLBA" 2003, in Information Handling in Astronomy -- Historical Vistas, Heck, A. ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, ISBN 1-4040-1178-4, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 285, 109. "Representations of Spectral Coordinates in FITS", 2003, Astronomical Data Analysis and Systems XII, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 295, eds. Payne, H. E., Jedrzejewski, R. I., & Hook, R. N. (Ann Arbor, MI, ASP) p 403 (with Francisco Valdes, Mark Calabretta, & Steven Allen). "Representations of spectral coordinates in FITS", 2005, A&A, 446, 747, astro-ph/0507293, (with M.R. Calabretta, F G. Valdes, and S.L. Allen). "Kenneth Ingvard Greisen, 1918-2007", 2007, Bull. AAS, 39, 1059. "The On-The-Fly Imaging Technique", 2007, A&A. 474, 679-687, (with J.G. Mangum and D.T. Emerson). "What You Can Already Do in Classic AIPS", 2008, presented at Imaging and Calibration Algorithms for EVLA, e-MERLIN and ALMA, Oxford, United Kingdom. "Modelling Extra-Planar HI in NGC 6503: Distinguishing Feedback from Accretion" 2008, poster at The EVLA Vision: Galaxies Through Cosmic Time, Socorro, New Mexico (with Spekkens, K.) "Aperture Synthesis Observations of the Nearby Spiral NGC 6503: Modeling the Thin and Thick Disks", 2009, AJ, 137, 4718-4733 (with Spekkens, K. and van Moorsel, G. A.) "The Deep SWIRE Field II. 90cm Continuum Observations and 20cm-90cm Spectra" 2009, AJ, 137, 4846-4853 (with Owen, F. O., Morrison, G. E., Klimek, M.). "A New Distance to the Supernova Remnant DA 530 Based on HI Absorption of Polarized Emission", 2022, submitted (Booth, R.A., Kothes, R., Landecker, T., Brown, J., Gray, A., Foster, T. Greisen, E.) Internal publications: Eric W. Greisen "Aperture Synthesis of Interstellar Neutral Hydrogen in Absorption", 1973, Ph. D. Thesis, California institute of Technology. "Comments on Gridding in the (u,v) Plane", VLA Scientific Memorandum No. 110. "The NRAO Line Interferometer: A Manual", 1974, Edition I. "The Interim VLA Spectral Line System", 1975, VLA Scientific Memorandum No. 117. "The NRAO Line Interferometer: A Manual", 1975, Edition 2. "The NRAO Image Recording System", 1975, Computer Division Internal Report No. 21 (with T. Cram), revised edition 1976. "The VLA Spectral Line System: A progress Report", 1976, (with L. D'Addario). "On the Effects of Convolution in the u-v Plane", 1976, VLA Scientific Memorandum No. 123. "Users' Guide to VLA Data Reduction in Charlottesville", 1977, NRAO Computer Division Users' Manual Series No. 29 (with F. Schwab). revised editions 1978, 1979, and 1980. "VLA Post-Processing: Phase I", 1977, VLA Computer Memorandum No. 141 (with W. R. Burns). "VLA Post-Processing: Phase I Continued", 1977, VLA Computer Memorandum No. 142. "Post-Processing -- Phase I: technical Memorandum, the Beginning of NIPS", 1978, VLA Computer Memorandum no. 144. "The Effects of Various Convolving Functions on Aliasing and Relative Signal-to-Noise Ratios", 1979, VLA Scientific Memorandum No. 131. "AIPS: A Manual", 1981, NRAO Computer Division Users' Manual Series No. 31 (as editor and primary contributer), revised 1982, 1983, 1984. "Aipsletter", 1981, editor and contributor, 1 issue. "Aipsletter", 1982, editor and contributor, 6 issues. "AIPS Cookbook", 1983, editor of two editions (15 January, 15 September). "Aipsletter", 1983, editor and contributor, 6 issues. "Non-Linear Coordinate Systems in AIPS", 1983, AIPS Memo No. 27. "Aipsletter", 1984, editor and contributor, 5 issues. "Polynomial Approximations to Discrete Functions", 1984, AIPS Memo No. 31 (with H. S. Liszt). "Tables in AIPS", 1984, AIPS Memo No. 32. "Going AIPS", 1984 (15-May), ed. W. D. Cotton (contributed a couple of chapters, plus comments). "AIPS Cookbook", 1985, 15-October-1985 edition, editor and contributor (with Alan H. Bridle, other contributors). "Aipsletter", 1985, editor and contributor, 4 issues. "The AIPS Wishlist", 1985, AIPS Memo No. 34. "AIPS Gripes Procedures", 1985, AIPS Memo No. 35 (with Donald C. Wells and Nancy D. Wiener). "The AIPS Wishlist (Revised)", 1985, AIPS Memo No. 37. "Aipsletter", 1986, editor and contributor, 4 issues. "The AIPS Wishlist (Revised)", 1986, April 30, AIPS Memo No. 45. "Additional Non-linear Coordinates", 1986, May 20, AIPS Memo No. 46. "Aipsletter", 1987, editor and contributor, 4 issues. "The AIPS Wishlist", 1987, 13 February, AIPS Memo No. 49. "Going AIPS", 1987, 15 April, ed. W. D. Cotton (contributed a couple of chapters, plus editing). "The AIPS Wishlist", 1987, 15 October, AIPS Memo No. 55. "Aipsletter", 1988, editor and contributor, 3 issues. "The Astronomical Image Processing System", 1988, 12 September, AIPS Memo No. 61. "Aipsletter", 1989, editor and contributor, 4 issues. "Remote Tapes in AIPS", 1992, 28 July, AIPS Memo No. 80. "Tape and TV Performance in AIPS", 1992, 26 August, AIPS Memo No. 81. "Aipsletter", 1992, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Replacing the Convexes - New Color Algorithms in AIPS", 1992, 24 September, AIPS Memo No. 82. "Aipsletter", 1993, editor and contributor, 1 issue. "Aipsletter", 1994, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "DDT Revised and AIPSMark(93) Measurements", 1994, February 9, AIPS Memo No. 85. "The NRAO AIPS Project -- A Summary", 1994, April 5, AIPS Memo No. 87, (with Alan H. Bridle). "AIPS Cookbook", 1994 edition, editor and contributor, (with Rick Perley, other contributors). "Aipsletter", 1995, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 1996, editor and contributor, 1 issue. "Aipsletter", 1998, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "The Creation of AIPS", 1998, July 27, AIPS Memo No. 100. Also given at the Clark Symposium, Socorro, NM. Radio Interferometry: The Saga and the Science, 2000, National Radio Astronomy Observatory Workshop Number 27, Finley, D.G. & Goss, W. M. eds, Socorro, NM, 57-74. "Aipsletter", 1999, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "The On-the-Fly Technique", 1999, July Mosaicing Workshop, Socorro, NM. "Y2K, a new DDT, and AIPSMark(00) Measurements", 2000 AIPS Memo No. 104. "Aipsletter", 2000, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "AIPS Procedures for Initial VLBA Data Reduction", 2001, AIPS Memo No. 105, authors: Jim Ulvestad, Eric Greisen, Amy Mioduszewski; two versions. "Aipsletter", 2001, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2002, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2003, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2004, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2005, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2006, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2007, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2008, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Faceted imaging in AIPS", 2009, AIPS Memo 113, Leonia Kogan and EWG. "The FITS Interferometry Data Interchange Convention", 2009, AIPS Memo 114, submitted to IAU for consideration as a standard convention. "Auto-boxing for Clean in AIPS", 2009, AIPS Memo 115. "Aipsletter", 2009, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2010, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2011, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "AIPS Fits File Format", 2012, AIPS Memo 117. "Aipsletter", 2012, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2013, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Modeling Spectral Cubes in AIPS," 2014, AIPS Memo 118. "TVSAD: interactive search and destroy," 2014, AIPS Memo 119. "Aipsletter", 2014, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2015, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Exploring image cubes in AIPS," 2016, AIPS Memo 120 plus 2 revisions. "Editing on a uv grid in AIPS," 2016, AIPS Memo 121. "Aipsletter", 2016, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2017, editor and contributor, 2 issues "Modeling Absorption-line Cubes in AIPS", 2017, AIPS Memo 122. "New Pulse-cal Capabilitiees for VLBI in AIPS", 2017, AIPS Memo 123 "Aipsletter", 2018, editor and contributor, 2 issues "Implementing Polarimetry with the JVLA's Low Band Receivers", EVLA Memo 207, Perley, R. and Greisen, E., April 2019. "Aipsletter", 2019, editor and contributor, 2 issues "Antenna Absolute Polarization Characteristics at L, S, C, X, and Ku Bands", EVLA Memo 209, Perley, R., Greisen, E., Grammer, W., and Long, R., July 2020. "Aipsletter", 2020, editor and contributor, 2 issues "Aipsletter", 2021, editor and contributor, 2 issues "Enabling MeerKAT Polarimetric Imaging in AIPS", EVLA Memo 219, Perley, R., Greisen, E., Hugo, B., September 2022. "Aipsletter", 2022, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Aipsletter", 2023, editor and contributor, 2 issues. "Testing the Efficacy of the AIPS Program 'TECOR'", EVLA Memo 226, Perley, R., Wolfe, B., Greisen, E., August, 2023. "On S-band Observations with the VLBA", VLBA Scientific Memo 41, Greisen, E., September 2023. "On P-band Observations with the VLBA", VLBA Scientific Memo 42, Greisen, E., March 2024. "Post-Correlation Basis Conversion in AIPS", AIPS Memo 125 and EVLA Memo 229, Perley, R. and Greisen, E., April 2024. "Polarimetry with the VLA's P-band", EVLA Memo 230, Perley, R. and Greisen, E., May 2024. "Aipsletter", 2024, editor and contributor, 1 issue so far. "Testing Ionospheric Faraday Rotation Measure Models", EVLA Memo 235, Perley R., Greisen, E., Tremou, L., Butler, B., Willis, T., October 2024 Other activities: Eric W. Greisen Offices/committees/memberships: AAS - Working Group on Astronomical Software: Secretary and FITS Committee Chairman 1983-1986, FITS committee member to present. IAU - FITS Committee, 1986 - present Full member, 2001 - present NOST - NASA Office of Standards Technology FITS Committee 1994 to 2000 (or so) Meetings: AAS, January 1983, Boston, Mass. AAS June 1983, Minneapolis, MN. AAS June 1984, Baltimore, MD. AAS, June 1985, Charlottesville, VA. "The Use of Supercomputers in Observational Astronomy", November, 1985, Minneapolis, MN. Siggraph, August 1989, Boston, Mass. "The Magellanic Clouds", IAU Symposium 148, July 1990, Sydney, Australia IAU Fifth Asian-Pacific Regional Astronomy Meeting, July 1990, Sydney, Australia International AVS Users Group Conference, February 1992, Research Triangle Park, NC. International AVS Users Group Conference, May 1993, Orlando, FL. AAS, June 1993, Berkeley, CA. ADASS IV, September 1994, Baltimore, MD. ADASS VII, September 1997, Sonthofen, Germany. Clark Symposium, June 1998, Socorro, NM. ADASS VIII, November 1998, Champaign-Urbana, IL. Imaging at Radio through Sub-millimeter Wavelengths, June 1999, Tucson, AZ. Mosaicing Workshop, July 1999, Socorro, NM. ADASS IX, October 1999, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, HI. Gas and Galaxy Evolution, May 2000, Socorro, NM. ADASS XI, October 2001, Victoria, BC. URSI, XXVII General Assembly, Maastricht, The Netherlands, August, 2002. ADASS XII, October 2002, Baltimore, MD. ADASS XIV, October 2004, Pasadena, CA. AAS, January 2006, Washington, DC Imaging and Calibration Algorithms for EVLA, e-MERLIN and ALMA, December 2008, Oxford, United Kingdom. SKA Calibration and Imaging workshop, Socorro, NM, March 2009 Science at Low Frequencies II, Albuquerque, NM, December 2015 CalIm 2016, Socorro, NM, October, 2016 Coexisting with Radio Frequency Interference, Socorro, NM, October, 2016 Developing the ngVLA Science Program Workshop, Socorro, NM, June, 2017 Synthesis Imaging Workshop, Socorro, May 2018 DiFX Users Meeting, September 2023 Consulting: Space Telescope Science Institute March-April, 1983, 9 days. NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, December 1985, 1 day. Max Plank Institute fur RadioAstronomie, Bonn Germany, Sept-Oct 1997 Colloquia: "AIPS: What is it and Where is it Going", 1984, May, NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center. "Modernizing AIPS for Vector Computers", 1985, November 7, NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center. Image Processing Seminar, September, 1988, Capri, Italy, sponsored by the FORMEZ Italian institution through the Naples Observatory. Papers on AIPS, FITS, and image formation in radio astronomy. Former research projects (now stalled) "Studies of 3-dimensional, multi-field imaging" "Imaging Survey of Strong Sources at 74 and 327 MHz", with Katherine Blundell and Rick Perley "Search for HI absorption in high-z galaxies", led by Katherine Blundell "Correlated observations of neutron stars with RXTE and the VLA" led by Michael Rupen Current research projects: "VLBA Monitoring of the Serendipitous Cygnus A Radio Transient" led by Daniel Perley, with Rick Perley, Vivek Dhawan, Chris Carilli "Polarization calibration techniques" with Rick Perley Leave periods: for professional advancement: Feb 1, 1990 - Jan 31, 1991 at CSIRO (Australia Telescope National Facility), Marsfield, NSW, Australia. without (NRAO) pay: Feb 1, 1991 - Sep 30, 1991 at CSIRO (Australia Telescope National Facility) and CSIRO (Radio Physics) Marsfield, NSW, Australia. Duties included multi-modal imaging of the human brain as well as astronomy science/computing. Refereeing since 1990: Astrophysical Journal, July, 1990. Computers in Physics, Aug & Oct 1991, Feb 1992 Astronomical Journal, September 2001 A&A, October, 2005 MNRAS, October, 2007 PSAP, June, 2010 A&A, July, 2011 A&A, July, 2012 Astronomy & Computing, January 2016 Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society, June 2016 NSF Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-2, 1 proposal, April 2021 Astrophysical Journal, May 2021, review 2nd time November 2021 NRAO Service: AIPS Project Manager, programmer, & custodian (1978-1989) AIPS Management Advisory Group, 3/1985 - 1989 AIPS programmer (1990-1992) RFP 503, "Visualization Systems for the NRAO", Chairman of the technical evaluation committee (1992) RFP 504, "High Performance UNIX Workstations for the NRAO", Technical contact for vendors and member of the technical evaluation committee (1992) AIPS Project Co-Manager, programmer, & custodian (1993-1996) CVX (experimental AIPS) Project sole programmer (4/1996-10/1997) AIPS Project Co-Manager, programmer, & custodian (11/1997-7/2000) AIPS Project Manager, programmer, & custodian (7/2000-present) Observatory Computing Council, (2/2003-present) e2e Project Manager/Scientist Interview Committee (3/2006) NRAO Socorro Safety Committee (7/2004-7/2005, Chairman 7/2005-9/2007) CASA head search committee (7/2007-3/2008) SPRC/CS Committee (member previously, Chair 2008-2010, back to member, committee disbanded 2010?) CASA Review Committee: March 5-6, 2013, report 12 April, 2013. Mentor summer student Amber Moore (May 2017 - ...) Greeter and hike/tour guide for Summer Workshops at least 2014, 2016, 2018 Help with 1st and 3rd Saturday and Open House public tours (before Covid)