Technical Demos

Here are some assorted technical demos I've created. Mostly they deal with client-side behavior such as JavaScript and the <canvas> tag. A few are related to style.

The following are UI demonstrations relevant to the NRAO.

A visualization of basebands within some frequency range. There's also an older version that doesn't use Raphael and an even older version which is less HTML-driven
A visualization of subbands within a baseband, for OSRO. There's also an older version that does not use Raphael and an incomplete version.
frequency range
A zoomable view of a set of lines against a frequency range. There's also a stable version in case I'm working on the main one.

The following are purely technical demos that have no particular astronomical content.

canvas libraries
Demonstration of using various HTML 5 <canvas> libraries.
A demonstration of client side persistence libraries. Make all the changes you want, when you come back they'll be preserved.
Uses simulated annealing to generate a number of colors which are distant from each other.
A trick for jQuery to align a column by decimal point unobtrusively.
Tests of various HTML 5 capabilities.
A proper CSS layout for the OPT. Not integrated yet and may be a long time coming.
A simple demonstration of a jQuery UI slider.

Up a level.