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Single Dish VLBA Observing

SCHED is used primarily to schedule VLBI observations on the VLBA and most of the rest of this manual is devoted to details of how to do that. However, there are a variety of types of observations that are rather different. These are mainly single antenna observations usually done to measure system performance. SCHED is able to make the schedules for these observations. Such observations are not likely to be of interest to users other than NRAO staff involved in the testing and maintenance of the instrument.

Some items of special interest for VLBA scheduling are:

There are a number of setup files among the standard setups that are for VLBA test observations. Those that start with pt are for pointing or antenna temperature observations. Those that start with pc are for pulse cal tests.

In addition to the above parameters, it is often best to make use of one of the optimization modes to make the actual schedules. OPTMODE=SCANS is perhaps the most useful. With this mode, only a few template scans need be specified and SCHED will pick the ones appropriate for use in the desired time range. Below is an example of a script, including everything necessary to run SCHED on each VLBA station, for making pointing and gain check observations. This example is at a somewhat higher level of complexity than most in this document, but it shows what can be done with the program. It actually makes a different schedule for each station, taking into account the different portions of the sky that can be seen.

#  Try with VEX file
# ========================================================
# =====  Script to make pointing files for the VLBA  =====
# ========================================================
#  Set stations to be processed.
#  Note that the case used here will appear in the sum and
#  vex file names, so it is better to use lower.
#  The schedules need to be different depending on whether
#  a 3mm receiver is present.
#  Examples:
#  set stalist_3mm="hn nl fd la pt kp ov mk"
#  set stalist_no3mm="br sc"
#  set stalist_no3mm=""      eg use blank if no stations of this type.
set stalist_3mm="pt hn"
set stalist_no3mm="hn"

#  Set times and experiment code
echo Sched environment variable = $SCHED
echo PLANET_DATA environoment variable = $PLANET_DATA
cat <<eofp >! times.par
  year    = 1996
  month   = 10
  day     = 25 
  start   = 0:00:00 
  opdur   = 4:00:00         !  Total project duration
set  expcode="ptg"

# =====================================================================
# =====================================================================
# ======                                                         ======
# ======      Changes not normally needed below this line.       ======
# ======                                                         ======
# =====================================================================
# =====================================================================
# Specify the location of the setup files.
setenv SETDIR $SCHED/setups
# Put much of the generic setup information in ptg_setup.par
cat <<eofs >! ptg_setup.par
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! SCHED input file setup stuff to be used with pointing proceedure doptg.

! -----  Cover information
version  = 1  
expt     = 'STARTUP pointing'
obstype  = PTVLBA
obsmode  = 'Multi-frequency pointing observations.'
piname   = 'Operations'    
phone    = '505 835 7251'
obsphone = '505 835 7251'
fax      = '505 835 7027'
email    = ''
address1 = 'AOC'

! -----  Catalogs etc.
srcfile = '$SCHED/catalogs/sources.pointing'
stafile = '$SCHED/catalogs/stations.dat'
ephfile = '$PLANET_DATA/JPLEPH.405.2'
!ephfile = '$SCHED/catalogs/JPLEPH.405.2.Linux'
! -----  Schedule instructions
sumitem = EL1, AZ1 ! Start elevation and azimuth in summary.
ptdur   = 15       ! => scan length = ptslew + 2*ptdur + N*10*ptdur
                   ! The autoleveling scan is 2*ptdur long for pcx.
                   ! Here we have 15+30+2*150 = 345s = 5:45
dwell   = 5:45  
ptslew  = 15 
optmode = SCANS    ! Select scans that are above minimum elevation.
opminel = 20.      ! Minimum elevation.


#  Now make a file with the actual schedule info for 3mm sites.
#  Any imbedded catalogs etc must be here.

cat <<eofs >! ptg_3mm.par
! -----  Spectral lines
! -----  Set up for 4 channels - 2 on line, 2 off.
lineinit /
 lineset ='H2O'    restfreq=22235.08,22235.08,22285.08,22285.08 /
 lineset ='SiO431' restfreq=43122.03,43122.03,43222.03,43222.03 /
 lineset ='SiO862' restfreq=86243.4, 86243.4, 86343.4, 86343.4  /
endlines /
! -----  The detailed schedule
! The frequencies are in an order reasonable for FRM.
!  50/90 cm  CYGA,    TAUA,    3C274
!  20-4 cm   3C454.3, 3C123,   3C274
!  2, 1 cm   DR21,    3C84,    3C274
!  7 mm      RCAS,    RLEO,    WHYA, DR21, 3C84, 3C273, planets
!  3 mm      RCAS,    RLEO,    WHYA, planets

!  Group must equal the number of scans below.
!  (Group*rep) must be less than 2000 (as of 18 Apr 1996). 
!  The 7mm line sources used to have qual=50.  This used to be the way
!     to trigger line processing.  Now CALCODE='L' does it.
!  Note that for a peak=1 scan, no reference pointing will be done
!  if the slew takes longer than 40 seconds.  That is partly why
!  there is a second peak scan.

group=(10*3+8*3) rep=50

setup='$SETDIR/pt90cm.set'  source 'CYGA'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt4cm.set'   source '3C454.3' nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt18cm.set'  source '3C454.3' nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt6cm.set'   source '3C454.3' nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt13cm.set'  source '3C454.3' nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt4cmsx.set' source '3C454.3' nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt1cm.set'   source 'DR21'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt24ghz.set' source 'DR21'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt2cm.set'   source 'DR21'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'DR21'    nodop   bw=0,0   /

setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'JUPITER' nodop   bw=0,0 qual=0
  noptvlba peak=1 dwell=01:00  /
  noptvlba peak=1 dwell=01:00  /
  nopeak ptvlba   dwell = 5:45  /
  setup='$SETDIR/pt3mm.set'   nopeak ptvlba dwell = 5:45   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'RCAS'    doppler bw=2,2 qual=0
  noptvlba peak=1 dwell=01:00  /
  noptvlba peak=1 dwell=01:00  /
  nopeak ptvlba   dwell = 5:45 /
  setup='$SETDIR/pt3mm.set'   nopeak ptvlba dwell = 5:45  linename='SiO862'  /

setup='$SETDIR/pt90cm.set'  source 'TAUA'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt4cm.set'   source '3C123'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt18cm.set'  source '3C123'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt6cm.set'   source '3C123'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt13cm.set'  source '3C123'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt4cmsx.set' source '3C123'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt1cm.set'   source '3C84'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt24ghz.set' source '3C84'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt2cm.set'   source '3C84'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source '3C84'    nodop   bw=0,0   /

setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'RLEO'    doppler bw=2,2 qual=0
  noptvlba peak=1 dwell=01:00  /
  noptvlba peak=1 dwell=01:00  /
  nopeak ptvlba   dwell = 5:45  /
  setup='$SETDIR/pt3mm.set'   nopeak ptvlba dwell = 5:45  linename='SiO862' /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'VENUS'   nodop   bw=0,0 qual=0 
  noptvlba peak=1 dwell=01:00  /
  noptvlba peak=1 dwell=01:00  /
  nopeak ptvlba   dwell = 5:45  /
  setup='$SETDIR/pt3mm.set'   nopeak ptvlba dwell = 5:45   /

setup='$SETDIR/pt90cm.set'  source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt4cm.set'   source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt18cm.set'  source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt6cm.set'   source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt13cm.set'  source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt4cmsx.set' source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt1cm.set'   source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt24ghz.set' source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt2cm.set'   source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source '3C273'   nodop   bw=0,0   /

setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'WHYA'    doppler bw=2,2 qual=0 
  noptvlba peak=1 dwell=01:00  /
  noptvlba peak=1 dwell=01:00  /
  nopeak ptvlba   dwell = 5:45  /
  setup='$SETDIR/pt3mm.set'   nopeak ptvlba dwell = 5:45  linename='SiO862' /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'SATURN'  nodop   bw=0,0 qual=0 
  noptvlba peak=1 dwell=01:00  /
  noptvlba peak=1 dwell=01:00  /
  nopeak ptvlba   dwell = 5:45  /
  setup='$SETDIR/pt3mm.set'   nopeak ptvlba dwell = 5:45   /

! ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#  Now make a file with the actual schedule info for sites without 3mm.
#  Any imbedded catalogs etc must be here.

cat <<eofs >! ptg_no3mm.par
! -----  Spectral lines
! -----  Set up for 4 channels - 2 on line, 2 off.
lineinit /
 lineset ='H2O'    restfreq=22235.08,22235.08,22285.08,22285.08 /
 lineset ='SiO431' restfreq=43122.03,43122.03,43222.03,43222.03 /
 lineset ='SiO862' restfreq=86243.4, 86243.4, 86243.4, 86243.4  /
endlines /

! -----  The detailed schedule
! The frequencies are in an order reasonable for FRM.
!  50/90 cm  CYGA,    TAUA,    3C274
!  20-4 cm   3C454.3, 3C123,   3C274
!  2, 1 cm   DR21,    3C84,    3C274
!  7 mm      RCAS,    RLEO,    WHYA, DR21, 3C84, 3C273, planets
!  Group must equal the number of scans below.
!  (Group*rep) must be less than 2000 (as of 18 Apr 1996).
!  The 7mm line sources used to have qual=50.  This used to be the way
!     to trigger line processing.  Now CALCODE='L' does it.


group=(12*3) rep=60
setup='$SETDIR/pt90cm.set'  source 'CYGA'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt4cm.set'   source '3C454.3' nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt18cm.set'  source '3C454.3' nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt6cm.set'   source '3C454.3' nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt13cm.set'  source '3C454.3' nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt4cmsx.set' source '3C454.3' nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt1cm.set'   source 'DR21'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt24ghz.set' source 'DR21'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt2cm.set'   source 'DR21'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'DR21'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'RCAS'    doppler bw=2,2 qual=0 /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'JUPITER' nodop   bw=0,0 qual=0 /

setup='$SETDIR/pt90cm.set'  source 'TAUA'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt4cm.set'   source '3C123'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt18cm.set'  source '3C123'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt6cm.set'   source '3C123'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt13cm.set'  source '3C123'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt4cmsx.set' source '3C123'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt1cm.set'   source '3C84'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt24ghz.set' source '3C84'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt2cm.set'   source '3C84'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source '3C84'    nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'RLEO'    doppler bw=2,2 qual=0 /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'VENUS'   nodop   bw=0,0 qual=0 /

setup='$SETDIR/pt90cm.set'  source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt4cm.set'   source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt18cm.set'  source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt6cm.set'   source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt13cm.set'  source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt4cmsx.set' source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt1cm.set'   source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt24ghz.set' source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt2cm.set'   source '3C274'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source '3C273'   nodop   bw=0,0   /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'WHYA'    doppler bw=2,2 qual=0 /
setup='$SETDIR/pt7mm.set'   source 'SATURN'  nodop   bw=0,0 qual=0 /
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# Now run sched separately for each 3mm station.
foreach station ( $stalist_3mm[1*] )
   echo station=vlba_$station >! station.par
   echo expcode=$expcode >> station.par
   $SCHED/bin/sched <<eofst
       sch = ptg_3mm.par
       overwrit /
#  Make the sum and vex files station dependent.
   /bin/mv ptg.sum ptg.$station.sum
   /bin/mv ptg.vex ptg.$station.vex
# Finally run sched separately for each no 3mm station.
foreach station ( $stalist_no3mm[1*] )
   echo station=vlba_$station >! station.par
   echo expcode=$expcode >> station.par
   $SCHED/bin/sched <<eofst
       sch = ptg_no3mm.par
       overwrit /
#  Make the sum and vex files station dependent.
   /bin/mv $expcode.sum $expcode.$station.sum
   /bin/mv $expcode.vex $expcode.$station.vex
#   Some clean up.
#/bin/rm times.par
#/bin/rm ptg_setup.par
#/bin/rm ptg_3mm.par
#/bin/rm ptg_no3mm.par
#/bin/rm station.par
#   END

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Craig Walker 2014-06-17