Note that I am not aware of anyone using SCHED on VAXes any more.
To run SCHED on a VAX, make a VMS command file, called INPUT.COM for example, which begins with a VMS command that causes SCHED to be executed. For systems with a fully installed Caltech package, the command ``$ SCHED'' should work. Otherwise use a command of the form ``$ RUN UMA3:[VPGM.CIT.VLB]SCHED'', where you will need to substitute the correct directory specification. The command file should end with ``$ EXIT'', although this is not necessary. The SCHED command file is run by typing, for example,
@INPUT.COMThe files output by SCHED will appear in the default directory.
SCHED has not been tested under VMS since the plotting capabilities were added.
It has been a very long time since I was aware of anyone running SCHED on an MS-DOS machine, or a Windows machine for that matter.
To run SCHED on a PC (MS DOS), prepare the input file without system level commands. Then type, for example,
\CODE\SCHEDB < INPUT.KEYwhere the SCHED.EXE executable file is assumed to be in the CODE directory (substitute whatever is correct for your system) and the SCHED input commands are in INPUT.KEY in the default directory. The ``'' pipes the information in INPUT.KEY to the program (note the similarity to UNIX). The files output by SCHED will appear in the default directory.
It has been a long time since SCHED was ported to DOS. It has never been ported to Windows. It seriously outgrew DOS, but should work in Windows if someone were to take the effort to install it.