POINT is used to tell SCHED to convert this scan to a reference pointing scan. If the argument is zero (which is the value it will get if POINT is specified without an argument), all stations that are in any group and have appropriate frequencies as specified in the PEAKFILE (see also PEAKINIT) will be used. If POINT has a value, only stations in that group from the PEAKFILE will be used. When POINT is specified for a scan, SCHED restricts the stations to those in the pointing group(s), switches to the pointing setup file, sets DOPPLER if the source velocity (first) is not zero, turns off recording, and sets other parameters needed to make a pointing scan. The parameters of the main scan are not affected. The object is to allow the user to explicitly set the times and source for pointing, but allow SCHED to take care of all the other messy details of converting the scan to a pointing scan.
POINT=-1 means don't add a pointing scan even if you can. This is useful especially when AUTOPEAK) has been specified, but you are doing low frequency scans.
To turn AUTOPEAK) back on after using POINT=-1, set POINT to a value less than -1, say -2 or -999 (the value it has in the program if not set).