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When setting parameters for the VLBA legacy hardware different from what is being set for the RDBE, parameters CRDFREQ, CRDDOP, CRDNCH, CRDBW, CRDSETCH, and CRDCH1 can be used. Many of the channel parameters are taken from the main setup. These include sideband, sample rate, IF channel etc. With the legacy system ``CRD'' parameters, only 4 channels (8 before early 2014) can be specified. With the RDBE_PFB, the number of setup channels is 16 while it can be up to 8 with the RDBE_DDC. By default, SCHED will try to spread the crd channels broadly over the setup channels and, in particular, will try to have at least one crd channel from each IF. CRDCH1 gives the opportunity to specify the first channel of a contiguous block of CRDNCH channels to use. Alternatively, one can use CRDSETCH to specify the template channels individually -- probably the preferred option if not taking the default.

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Craig Walker 2014-06-17