This photo and the next few were from one of our rides to Green
Bank, this one in 1984 based on the date the slides were processed.
Here we are in Monterey, VA, fairly late in the ride. I don't
remember who everyone is, but left to right, they are Bill Cotton,
Hein Hvatum, Ed Sieveka, Kurt Riegel, Tom Brooks, Craig Walker, and
Buddy Martin. Ed was a CV resident who sometimes played Volleyball
with the NRAO people, but he was not an NRAO employee.
In 2007, a similar photo surfaced from the NRAO archives. After a couple
of wide ranging attempts to identify everyone, we succeeded and that is the
only reason I now have all the names above. The photo in the archives may
have been taken by the reporter who is in the following picture.
That photo is at this link.
Camera: - -- Lens: - at - -- Exposure: - f/- ISO -