Had a consert at Macey with Arlo Guthrie. Had a pretty good collection of folksy type songs, but the concert was fun mostly because he is a master at self-deprecating humor. Example: (Starts song about a motorcycle mishap) "Boy, this is a really dumb song." (Sings some more of song) "Man, I can't believe I wrote this song." (Sings some more of song) "I can't believe I can make a living singing this song." (Sings some more of song) "Especially after all these years." (Finishes song. Chorus is "I don't want to tickle, I just want to ride my motorsickle, I don't want to die, I just want to ride my motorsigh cle.") On his role in TV series "Birds of Paradise": "I played an aging, drug growing hippie. What a reach." On Sororro: "Abe and I been touring, singing folk songs for several years now. Man, we been everywhere. I mean everywhere. So now, when we get to a place we never been before, it's a bit of an occasion." On mortality: "I told myself the other day, 'Arlo, if you were dead, all those things that piss you off would probably bother you a lot less.'" On the sixties: "Not many people remember the sixties anymore. Even a lot of us who lived through them can't remember them." His mail order catalog: "Buy Stuff" By the time I was old enough to hear about folk music, Woody was regarded as The Real Thing, but was no longer giving concerts. He finally died in the sixties some time, of Huntington's Chorea. Arlo was regarded as the kid, trying to get some recognition as other than Woody's son. He finally made it a couple decades ago, with "Alice's restaurant." (But his record company is called "Sonrise records.")