Date: 2003Feb06 List of the status of the reviews/reviewers. The key is: "C" - already submitted a review; "U" = submitted an unsolicited review; "Y" = agreed to review the memo; "N" - declined to review the memo. 1 - Memo 423 - Steve Myers (Y), Matt Carter (N), Geoff Blake (Y), Jesus-Martin Pintado (C) 2 - Memo 422 - Douglas Bock (Y), Lee Mundy (N), Jeff Mangum (C), Dave Woody (U) 3 - Memo 427 - Robert Lucas (C), Ed Fomalont (N), Craig Walker (C) 4 - Memo 372 - Jeff Mangum (C), Larry D'Addario (C), Mark Gurwell (N), Bryan Butler (U) 5 - Memo 415 - Jose Cernicharo (C), Mark Holdaway (C), John Richer (Y) 6 - Memo 404 & 403 - Mel Wright (N), Dave Woody (Y&C), John Richer (Y) 8 - Memo 402 - Richard Hills (Y), Peter Napier (N) 9 - Memo 352 - Dave Woody (C), Chris Wilson (C), Dick Plambeck (N) 10 - Memo 434 - Stephane Guilloteau (C) awaiting agreed upon reviews from: Steve Myers - 423 Geoff Blake - 423 Jesus-Martin Pintado - 423 Douglas Bock - 422 John Richer - 415, 404, 403 Richard Hills - 402