
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00003 //=============================================================================
00004 /**
00005  *  @file Queued_Message.h
00006  *
00007  *  Queued_Message.h,v 1.19 2006/04/19 09:06:37 jwillemsen Exp
00008  *
00009  *  @author Carlos O'Ryan <coryan@uci.edu>
00010  */
00011 //=============================================================================
00013 #ifndef TAO_QUEUED_MESSAGE_H
00014 #define TAO_QUEUED_MESSAGE_H
00016 #include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
00018 #include "tao/LF_Invocation_Event.h"
00019 #include "ace/os_include/os_stddef.h"
00021 #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
00022 # pragma once
00023 #endif /* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */
00025 struct iovec;
00028 class ACE_Message_Block;
00029 class ACE_Allocator;
00034 class TAO_ORB_Core;
00036 /**
00037  * @class TAO_Queued_Message
00038  *
00039  * @brief Represent messages queued in the outgoing data path of the
00040  *        TAO_Transport class.
00041  *
00042  * Please read the documentation in the TAO_Transport class to find
00043  * out more about the design of the outgoing data path.
00044  *
00045  * In some configurations TAO needs to maintain a per-connection queue
00046  * of outgoing messages.  This queue is drained by the pluggable
00047  * protocols framework, normally under control of the ACE_Reactor, but
00048  * other configurations are conceivable.  The elements in the queue
00049  * may be removed early, for example, because the application can
00050  * specify timeouts for each message, or because the underlying
00051  * connection is broken.
00052  *
00053  * In many cases the message corresponds to some application request,
00054  * the application may be blocked waiting for the request to be sent,
00055  * even more importantlyl, the ORB can be configured to use the
00056  * Leader/Followers strategy, in which case one of the waiting threads
00057  * can be required to wake up before its message completes
00058  * each message may contain a 'Sent_Notifier'
00059  *
00060  * <H4>NOTE:</H4> The contents of the ACE_Message_Block may have been
00061  * allocated from TSS storage, in that case we cannot steal them.
00062  * However, we do not need to perform a deep copy all the time, for
00063  * example, in a twoway request the sending thread blocks until the
00064  * data goes out.  The queued message can borrow the memory as it will
00065  * be deallocated by the sending thread when it finishes.
00066  * Oneways and asynchronous calls are another story.
00067  *
00068  * @todo Change the ORB to allocate oneway and AMI buffer from global
00069  *       memory, to avoid the data copy in this path.  What happens
00070  *       if the there is no queueing?  Can we check that before
00071  *       allocating the memory?
00072  *
00073  */
00074 class TAO_Export TAO_Queued_Message : public TAO_LF_Invocation_Event
00075 {
00076 public:
00077   /// Constructor
00078   TAO_Queued_Message (TAO_ORB_Core *oc,
00079                       ACE_Allocator *alloc = 0,
00080                       bool is_heap_allocated = false);
00082   /// Destructor
00083   virtual ~TAO_Queued_Message (void);
00085   /** @name Intrusive list manipulation
00086    *
00087    * The messages are put in a doubled linked list (for easy insertion
00088    * and removal).  To minimize memory allocations the list is
00089    * intrusive, i.e. each element in the list contains the pointers
00090    * for the next and previous element.
00091    *
00092    * The following methods are used to manipulate this implicit list.
00093    *
00094    * @todo We should implement this as a base template, something
00095    *        like:<BR>
00096    * template<class T> Intrusive_Node {<BR>
00097    * public:<BR><BR>
00098    *   void next (T *);<BR>
00099    *   T* next () const;<BR><BR>
00100    * private:<BR>
00101    *   T* next_;<BR>
00102    * };<BR>
00103    * and use it as follows:<BR>
00104    * class TAO_Queued_Message : public Intrusive_Node<TAO_Queued_Message><BR>
00105    * {<BR>
00106    * };<BR>
00107    *
00108    */
00109   //@{
00110   /// Set/get the next element in the list
00111   virtual TAO_Queued_Message *next (void) const;
00113   /// Set/get the previous element in the list
00114   virtual TAO_Queued_Message *prev (void) const;
00116   /// Remove this element from the list
00117   virtual void remove_from_list (TAO_Queued_Message *&head,
00118                                  TAO_Queued_Message *&tail);
00120   /// Insert the current element at the tail of the queue.
00121   virtual void push_back (TAO_Queued_Message *&head,
00122                           TAO_Queued_Message *&tail);
00124   /// Insert the current element at the head of the queue.
00125   virtual void push_front (TAO_Queued_Message *&head,
00126                            TAO_Queued_Message *&tail);
00127   //@}
00129   /** @name Template Methods
00130    */
00131   //@{
00133   /// Return the length of the message
00134   /**
00135    * If the message has been partially sent it returns the number of
00136    * bytes that are still not sent.
00137    */
00138   virtual size_t message_length (void) const = 0;
00140   /// Return 1 if all the data has been sent
00141   virtual int all_data_sent (void) const = 0;
00143   /// Fill up an io vector using the connects of the message
00144   /**
00145    * Different versions of this class represent the message using
00146    * either a single buffer, or a message block.
00147    * This method allows a derived class to fill up the contents of an
00148    * io vector, the TAO_Transport class uses this method to group as
00149    * many messages as possible in an iovector before sending them to
00150    * the OS I/O subsystem.
00151    *
00152    * @param iovcnt_max The number of elements in iov
00153    * @param iovcnt The number of elements already used by iov, this
00154    *               method should update this counter
00155    * @param iov The io vector
00156    */
00157   virtual void fill_iov (int iovcnt_max,
00158                          int &iovcnt,
00159                          iovec iov[]) const = 0;
00161   /// Update the internal state, data has been sent.
00162   /**
00163    * After the TAO_Transport class completes a successful (or
00164    * partially successful) I/O operation it must update the state of
00165    * all the messages queued.  This callback method is used by each
00166    * message to update its state and determine if all the data has
00167    * been sent already.
00168    *
00169    * @param byte_count The number of bytes succesfully sent.  The
00170    *                   TAO_Queued_Message should decrement this value
00171    *                   by the number of bytes that must still be sent.
00172    * @return Returns 1 if the TAO_Queued_Message has any more data to
00173    *         send.
00174    */
00175   virtual void bytes_transferred (size_t &byte_count) = 0;
00177   /// Clone this element
00178   /*
00179    * Clone the element and return a pointer to the cloned element on
00180    * the heap.
00181    *
00182    * @param allocator Use the allocator for creating the new element
00183    *                  on the heap. Remember, that the allocator will
00184    *                  not be used allocate the data contained in this
00185    *                  element.
00186    */
00187   virtual TAO_Queued_Message *clone (ACE_Allocator *allocator) = 0;
00189   /// Reclaim resources
00190   /**
00191    * Reliable messages are allocated from the stack, thus they do not
00192    * be deallocated.
00193    * Asynchronous (SYNC_NONE) messages are allocated from the heap (or
00194    * a pool), they need to be reclaimed explicitly.
00195    */
00196   virtual void destroy (void) = 0;
00197   //@}
00199 protected:
00200   /*
00201    * Allocator that was used to create @c this object on the heap. If the
00202    * allocator is null then @a this is on stack.
00203    */
00204   ACE_Allocator *allocator_;
00206   /*
00207    * A flag to indicate whether @a this is on stack or heap. A true value
00208    * indicates that @a this was created on  heap.
00209    */
00210   bool is_heap_created_;
00212   /// Cached copy of ORB_Core pointer
00213   TAO_ORB_Core *orb_core_;
00215 private:
00216   /// Implement an intrusive double-linked list for the message queue
00217   TAO_Queued_Message *next_;
00218   TAO_Queued_Message *prev_;
00219 };
00223 #include /**/ "ace/post.h"
00225 #endif  /* TAO_QUEUED_MESSAGE_H */

Generated on Thu Nov 9 11:54:21 2006 for TAO by doxygen 1.3.6