
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00003 //==========================================================================
00004 /**
00005  *  @file    Vector_T.h
00006  *
00007  *  Vector_T.h,v 4.11 2005/10/28 23:55:10 ossama Exp
00008  *
00009  *  @author Craig L. Ching <>
00010  *  @author Gonzalo Diethelm <>
00011  */
00012 //==========================================================================
00014 #ifndef ACE_VECTOR_T_H
00015 #define ACE_VECTOR_T_H
00017 #include /**/ "ace/pre.h"
00019 #include "ace/Array.h"
00021 #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
00022 # pragma once
00023 #endif /* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */
00027 /*
00028  * Default size for an ACE_Vector.
00029  */
00030 static const size_t ACE_VECTOR_DEFAULT_SIZE = 32;
00032 // Forward declaration.
00033 template <class T, size_t DEFAULT_SIZE> class ACE_Vector_Iterator;
00035 /**
00036  * @class ACE_Vector
00037  *
00038  * @brief Defines an STL-like vector container.
00039  *
00040  * This is an STL-like template vector container, a wrapper around
00041  * ACE_Array.  It provides at least the basic std::vector look and
00042  * feel: push_back(), clear(), resize(), capacity().  This template
00043  * class uses the copy semantic paradigm, though it is okay to use
00044  * reference counted smart pointers (see ACE_Ptr&lt;T&gt;) with this
00045  * template class.
00046  *
00047  * <b> Requirements and Performance Characteristics</b>
00048  *   - Internal Structure
00049  *       ACE_Array
00050  *   - Duplicates allowed?
00051  *       Yes
00052  *   - Random access allowed?
00053  *       No
00054  *   - Search speed
00055  *       N/A
00056  *   - Insert/replace speed
00057  *       Linear
00058  *   - Iterator still valid after change to container?
00059  *       Yes
00060  *   - Frees memory for removed elements?
00061  *       No
00062  *   - Items inserted by
00063  *       Value
00064  *   - Requirements for contained type
00065  *       -# Default constructor
00066  *       -# Copy constructor
00067  *       -# operator=
00068  */
00069 template<class T, size_t DEFAULT_SIZE = ACE_VECTOR_DEFAULT_SIZE>
00070 class ACE_Vector : public ACE_Array<T>
00071 {
00072 public:
00073   /**
00074    * A short name for iterator for ACE_Vector.
00075    */
00076   typedef ACE_Vector_Iterator<T, DEFAULT_SIZE> Iterator;
00079   /**
00080    * General constructor.
00081    *
00082    * @param init_size Initial size of the vector with the default
00083    *                  value of DEFAULT_SIZE
00084    * @param alloc Pointer to an ACE allocator.  If it is NULL then the
00085    *              default ACE allocator is used
00086    */
00087   ACE_Vector (const size_t init_size = DEFAULT_SIZE,
00088               ACE_Allocator* alloc = 0);
00090   /**
00091    * Destructor.
00092    */
00093   ~ACE_Vector ();
00095   /**
00096    * Returns the current vector capacity, that is, the currently
00097    * allocated buffer size.
00098    *
00099    * @return Current buffer size of the vector
00100    */
00101   size_t capacity (void) const;
00103   /**
00104    * Returns the vector's dynamic size / actual current size of the
00105    * vector.  Do not confuse it with ACE_Array::size(), which returns
00106    * the array's capacity.  Unfortunately, ACE is not very consistent
00107    * with the function names.
00108    *
00109    * @return Dynamic size / actual current size of the vector.
00110    */
00111   size_t size (void) const;
00113   /**
00114    * Clears out the vector.  It does not reallocate the vector's
00115    * buffer, it is just sets the vector's dynamic size to 0.
00116    */
00117   void clear (void);
00119   /**
00120    * Resizes the vector to the new capacity.  If the vector's current
00121    * capacity is smaller than the size to be specified, then the
00122    * buffer gets reallocated.  If the new capacity is less than the
00123    * current capacity of the vector, the buffer size stays the same.
00124    *
00125    * @param new_size New capacity of the vector
00126    * @param t A filler value (of the class T) for initializing the
00127    *          elements of the vector with.  By default, if this
00128    *          parameter is not specified, the default value of the
00129    *          class T will be used (for more detail, see the
00130    *          initialization clause for this parameter).
00131    */
00132   void resize (const size_t new_size,
00133                const T& t);
00135   /**
00136    * Appends a new element to the vector ("push back").  If the
00137    * dynamic size of the vector is equal to the capacity of the vector
00138    * (vector is at capacity), the vector automatically doubles its
00139    * capacity.
00140    *
00141    * @param elem A reference to the new element to be appended.  By
00142    *             default, this parameters gets initialized with the
00143    *             default value of the class T.
00144    */
00145   void push_back (const T& elem);
00147   /**
00148    * Deletes the last element from the vector ("pop back").  What this
00149    * function really does is decrement the dynamic size of the
00150    * vector.  The vector's buffer does not get reallocated for
00151    * performance.
00152    */
00153   void pop_back (void);
00155   /**
00156    * This function dumps the content of the vector.  TO BE MOVED out
00157    * of this class.  It needs to be implemented as a global template
00158    * function that accepts a const ACE_Vector&lt;T&gt;, in order to
00159    * make instances of this class compile on Linux, AIX.  G++ and xlC
00160    * have template instantiation algoriths, which are different from
00161    * the one in Visual C++.  The algorithms try to instantiate ALL
00162    * methods declared in the template class, regardless of whether the
00163    * functions are used or not.  That is, all of the classes, that are
00164    * used as elements in ACE_Vector's, have to have the dump() methods
00165    * defined in them (seems to be overkill).
00166    *
00167    * This function calls T::dump() for each element of the vector.
00168    */
00169   void dump (void) const;
00171   // = Compare operators
00173   ///Equality comparison operator.
00174   /**
00175    * Compare this vector with @arg s for equality.  Two vectors are equal
00176    * if their sizes are equal and all the elements are equal.
00177    */
00178   bool operator== (const ACE_Vector<T, DEFAULT_SIZE> &s) const;
00180   ///Inequality comparison operator.
00181   /**
00182    * Compare this vector with @arg s for inequality such that @c *this !=
00183    * @arg s is always the complement of the boolean return value of
00184    * @c *this == @arg s.
00185    */
00186   bool operator!= (const ACE_Vector<T, DEFAULT_SIZE> &s) const;
00188 protected:
00190   /**
00191    * Dynamic size (length) of the vector.
00192    */
00193   size_t length_;
00195   /**
00196    * Current capacity (buffer size) of the vector.
00197    */
00198   size_t curr_max_size_;
00200   friend class ACE_Vector_Iterator<T, DEFAULT_SIZE>;
00201 };
00203 #if 0
00204 /*
00205  * Not sure about including these functions, if for no other reason,
00206  * because they polute the global namespace!
00207  */
00209 /**
00210  * Compare two vectors in the range of [from_ndx..to_ndx].  This
00211  * template function requires class T to have the bool operator!=()
00212  * declared in the class.  It is safe to define vectors of scalar data
00213  * types, like int, double, etc., including class ACE_TString.
00214  *
00215  * @param v1 The first vector (out of the two) to be compared.
00216  * @param v2 The Second vector (out of the two) to be compared.
00217  * @param from_ndx Compare vector v1 and v2, starting with the
00218  *                 "from_ndx" index .
00219  * @param to_ndx Compare vector v1 and v2, from "from_ndx" to
00220  *               "to_ndx".
00221  * @return Returns true if v1==v2 in the specified index range,
00222  *          returns false otherwise.  Also, returns false in case if
00223  *          v1's size is not equal to v2's size.
00224  */
00225 template<class T>
00226 int compare (const ACE_Vector<T>& v1,
00227               const ACE_Vector<T>& v2,
00228               const size_t from_ndx,
00229               const size_t to_ndx);
00231 /**
00232  * Does a partial comparison of two vectors in the range of
00233  * [from_ndx..to_ndx].  The only difference between this function and
00234  * the template compare&lt;T&gt; function is that this function does
00235  * not require v1 and v2 to be of equal size.
00236  *
00237  * @param v1 The first vector (out of the two) to be compared.
00238  * @param v2 The Second vector (out of the two) to be compared.
00239  * @param from_ndx Compare vector v1 and v2, starting with the
00240  *                 "from_ndx" index .
00241  * @param to_ndx Compare vector v1 and v2, from "from_ndx" to
00242  *               "to_ndx".
00243  * @return Returns true if vector v1 and v2 are equal in the specified
00244  *         index range.
00245  */
00247 template<class T>
00248 int partial_compare (const ACE_Vector<T>& v1,
00249                       const ACE_Vector<T>& v2,
00250                       const size_t from_ndx,
00251                       const size_t to_ndx);
00252 #endif /* 0 */
00253 // ****************************************************************
00255 /**
00256  * @class ACE_Vector_Iterator
00257  *
00258  * @brief Implement an iterator over an ACE_Vector.
00259  *
00260  * This iterator is safe in the face of vector element deletions.
00261  * But it is NOT safe if the vector is resized via the assignment
00262  * operator during iteration.  That would be very odd, and dangerous.
00263  */
00264 template <class T, size_t DEFAULT_SIZE = ACE_VECTOR_DEFAULT_SIZE>
00265 class ACE_Vector_Iterator
00266 {
00267 public:
00268   // = Initialization method.
00269   ACE_Vector_Iterator (ACE_Vector<T, DEFAULT_SIZE> &);
00271   // = Iteration methods.
00273   /// Pass back the <next_item> that hasn't been seen in the vector.
00274   /// Returns 0 when all items have been seen, else 1.
00275   int next (T *&next_item);
00277   /// Move forward by one element in the vector.  Returns 0 when all the
00278   /// items in the vector have been seen, else 1.
00279   int advance (void);
00281   /// Returns 1 when all items have been seen, else 0.
00282   int done (void) const;
00284   /// Dump the state of an object.
00285   void dump (void) const;
00287   /// Declare the dynamic allocation hooks.
00290 private:
00291   /// Pointer to the current item in the iteration.
00292   size_t current_;
00294   /// Reference to the vector we're iterating over.
00295   ACE_Vector<T, DEFAULT_SIZE> &vector_;
00296 };
00300 #if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
00301 #include "ace/Vector_T.inl"
00302 #endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */
00305 #include "ace/Vector_T.cpp"
00309 #pragma implementation ("Vector_T.cpp")
00312 #include /**/ "ace/post.h"
00314 #endif /* ACE_VECTOR_T_H */

Generated on Thu Nov 9 09:42:09 2006 for ACE by doxygen 1.3.6