Notes from meeting of April 30. R. Moeser and K. Ryan talked a bit about their design analysis, and showed a class diagram. They also displayed a conceptual design of a general purpose browser screen that would provide a useful interface to any MIB. It is not yet clear how the software is divided between the MIB and the user's machine, nor how the software running in the user's machine is distributed and maintained. There was a brief discussion, leading not much of anywhere, about security. For connection to MIBs, we would like to have accessibility from within the VLA site and the AOC. We also need accessibility for technicians calling in from home; they presumably will need some sort of login before they can reach the MIB. Current concept is an http proxy, which would relay http to/from the MIB. Bandwidth between the site and AOC is an issue. Western New Mexico quoted a price of $20,000 per month to upgrade to DSL 3, which sounds steep. B. Sahr is in the final stages of collecting information about the RTOS candidates. He will write a final report on the subject this week. The TC11IB development board has not yet been received. Expectation is still this week or next.