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EVLA Memo Submission Guidelines

Author Submittal Instructions
1. Use the next available memo number  

2. Create an abstract page, using the abstract template.
3. Place the memo number on the document (before generating the ps or pdf). **Please make sure that the issue date is on the title page as well.
4. Email the abstract form, a copy of the memo in pdf or postscript format to Clearly Identify the EVLA memo number on the email correspondence.


Abstract Page
Please submit a completed, text-based, abstract page, which includes the memo number, title, author, and abstract. Please use the abstract template. This abstract page is important, it is used in the construction of the email message that is sent out for notification of new memo postings.

Get the abstract template or view an example of an abstract page

Memo File Formats
To facilitate ease of information access, it is preferable if you would submit  files in pdf or postscript format.  If necessary you may submit the file in Word or WordPerfect format. Please remember to include the EVLA memo number on the document.

PDF files:
Please generate the pdf files to be readable by Adobe’s Acrobat reader. Newer versions of  Microsoft Word or WordPerfect provide an easy translation into PDF.


Memo Style
The EVLA memos are meant to be an informal means of communication. Their internal structure or style is not regulated, however because of the wide distribution of the memos, care should be taken to ensure their legibility and coherence. The first page of the memo should clearly state the memo number, title, author(s), and date of the memo, and a reference list should be included where necessary.

Last modified:  by Lori Appel