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Extragalactic Surveys

The will have a major impact on unbiased surveys in . Our view of the large scale structure of the universe, with its large filaments, sheets, walls and voids, is based almost entirely on observations of high-luminosity galaxies, observed at optical wavelengths. Since nearly all investigations of the properties and spatial distribution of galaxies begin with optically (or IRAS) selected galaxy catalogs, any population of gas clouds with very low optical luminosity or surface brightness would largely have escaped detection. Direct searches in the line circumvent these optical selection biases. Such searches would make it possible to construct an unbiased mass function for the local universe and to probe the evolution of galaxies and the formation of large scale structure in the range 0 < z < 0.8. Three examples of such surveys are:

While Arecibo is more sensitive for directed studies, and the GBT about as sensitive, the VLA's large field of view relative to both single dishes makes it many times faster than either for unbiased surveys. At higher redshifts (tex2html_wrap_inline1062 0.06) the higher angular resolution and better interference rejection of the VLA are also major advantages.

The technical requirements include:

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Michael Rupen
Fri Mar 26 15:30:00 MST 1999